2023-2024 Scholarships

Scholarships for Seniors

Listed are various private scholarship opportunities, organized by month of deadline date.  Scholarships will be added throughout the year.    Please check back often for the latest opportunities.  Remember to pay attention to deadlines (postmark and received by dates).  Allow ample time for delivery and processing.  If letters of recommendation are required, you must personally ask your counselor/teacher.  Be sure to give them ample time to complete the letter and indicate date required.  

Updated 04/03/2024

Ongoing Scholarships

COLLEGE BOARD OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIPS Open to all students in the class of 2024 & 2025. Applying to college is a complicated process, so college board created a program that guides you through it. It doesn't require an essay, application, or minimum GPA. Complete key steps along your path to college for a chance to earn scholarships. Visit College Board Opportunity Scholarships

GOLDEN APPLE SCHOLARS OF ILLINOIS (four year total financial assistance = approx. $23,000)…Students with at least a 2.5 GPA interested in becoming teachers in the State of Illinois. Unofficial copies of high school or college transcripts accepted. Golden Apple Scholars must agree to teach for five years in an Illinois school of need. To view a list of schools of need and to apply visit: www.goldenapple.org


GREGORY F YANK "SERVANT LEADER" SCHOLARSHIP..  The Gregory F Yank “Servant Leader” Scholarship will fund scholarships to an accredited College or Trade  School.  Students must have a B or better average.  The application is available below and must be received by April 1.

THE SAVE ABANDONED BABIES FOUNDATION... The Board of the Save Abandoned Babies Foundation was formed the year after Illinois passed our Baby Safe Haven Law in 2001. This year they are asking students to write and essay or create artwork that demonstrates a creative, factual, educational message about the Illinois Baby Safe Haven Law. They are offering five $1000 scholarships to students in Illinois who will be attending college or a trade school in the fall of 2024.  The application is available at saveabandonedbabies.org/ The deadline to apply is April 1.

BRADFORD NATIONAL BANK SCHOLARSHIP - Bradford National Bank has announced that it will award two $1,000 academic scholarships to students of NCHS. The Bradford National Bank scholarship application is online at bradfordbank.com/students.  The deadline to apply is April 19.

ADDIEVILLE JAYCEES AGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIP... Awarded to a graduating senior who intends to pursue an occupation in an agriculture related field. The application is posted at the bottom of this list. Applications are due in the guidance office by April 19.

ADDIEVILLE JAYCEES JON WINDLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP... Awarded to a graduating senior. The application is posted at the bottom of this list. Applications are due in the guidance office by April 19.

FREDERICK "HARRY" BEATTY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP…Applicants must have participated in a sport for one full season and earned at least a 3.0 GPA.  Applications are available below and in the counseling office.  Applications are due in the guidance office April 30. 


KIDS' CHANCE OF ILLINOIS - To be eligible for a scholarship grant, applicants must have a parent who has been killed or seriously injured as a result of a work related accident that meets the criteria of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act and that has resulted in demonstrated financial need. For more information and the application visit: Kids' Chance of Illinois.  Students are encourage to apply early, but the deadline is May 31.



Addieville Jaycees-Agriculture Scholarship.docx
Jon Windler MemorialAddieville JC Scholarship.pdf
Harrl Beatty Memorial Athletic Scholarship.pdf