Nash Mills CofE Primary School
School News
Friday 26th April 2024
Year 3 and 4 Tag Rugby Tournament
Years 3 and 4 enjoyed an engaging and inspiring tag rugby session this week! Everyone played well and supported each other throughout the sessions.
Edward particularly enjoyed his day as - "We didn't lose a single match!"
Ffion expressed how she enjoyed being able to play with people you wouldn't normally get to.
Enoch noted that - "We worked as a team."
The teamwork was evident with each team coming back successful. They communicated well during matches and utilized members' strengths to their advantage.
Well done year 3 and 4! Mrs Nicholls
Changes to learning in History and Geography
Pupils in Years 2-6 are trialling a new approach in history and geography lessons this term, with the introduction of our learning booklets. Staff have been working hard over the past term to create packs which will be used by pupils as they work their way through the various topics instead of having traditional exercise books. We hope that this will help the children to know exactly where they are headed in their learning and will save time on recording and on the copying and sticking of worksheets into books. It also means that we have been able to more carefully include learning about the local area and its history; really helping pupils to understand how Nash Mills came about. Watch this space for more updates!
Computing at Nash Mills
This week, we took delivery of a new resource which will be used by Key Stage 2 pupils as part of their work in computing. The Sphero programmable robots are the latest addition to the range of equipment that we use to expose our children to programming and the area of computer science.
The robots, which were funded through a grant from Edufund, a local charitable organisation, will help pupils to begin to gain understanding of how different programming software can be used. These are in addition to the Crumble and Microbit devices already used by pupils in Year 5 and 6.
Times Tables Rockstars
This week's leader board is for the most correct answers over the last week. I am delighted to see our first KS1 pupil make the top 3, well done Anastasia! Ivy still sits at the top, but the gap is narrowing.
Well done to our top 3 Rock Stars this week!
Leader board this week
1st - Ivy (Y4)
2nd - Amira (Y3)
3rd - Anastasia (Y2)
Star of the Week!
For paying great attention during carpet time, particularly in phonics. Well done Luca!
For your enthusiasm for writing this week. You are using the sounds you know and putting them into words, as well as remembering finger spaces and full stops. Wow! Well done Millie.
Year 1
For working independently to use her phonics knowledge. Well done Queenster!
Year 2
For being so much more confident and resilient in her attitude towards work and school. I am so proud of how hard you work and how determined you are when you learn a new skill!
Year 3
For giving 100% during our rugby tournament, encouraging his team and then returning to school and producing a fantastic Celts fact file. Well done Finn!
Year 4
For excellent progress in her writing which was evident in her Snow White story this week - fantastic work!
Year 5
Jessica M
For working incredibly hard across all areas of the curriculum. Jessica has shown great progress in her English work. Well done Jessica!
Year 6
For his outstanding maturity, enthusiasm and contributions to class discussions. Keep it up Zayn!
Key Notices
Upcoming Dates
24th April - Year 3 and 4 Tag Rugby tournament
24th April - Nursery Coffee Morning
25th April - Class Photos
26th April - Reception Coffee Morning
29th April - Year 5&6 KNEX Challenge
1st May - Governors Meeting
6th May - May Day; School Closed
8th May - Reception Watermill House visit
8th May - Governors Meeting
13th May - Year 6 SATS Week
14th May - Year 3 Trip to St Albans Verulamium
22nd May - Governors Meeting
27th-31st May - Half Term
3rd-14th June - Swimming Fortnight
5th June - Y4 Trip to Hampton Court
11th June - Y2 Class Worship
14th June - PTA Thank You Sale
17th June - Governor Morning
18th June - Y3 Class Worship
19th June - Reception Coffee Morning
19th June - Y2 Trip to London
20th June - Nursery Coffee Morning
21st June - Reception Trip to Ruislip Lido
24th-28th June - Y6 Residential Trip
25th June - Y4 Class Worship
28th June - Y1 Trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum
1st July - Governors Meeting
2nd July - Y5 Trip to Bhaktivedantha
2nd July - Y1 Class Worship
4th July - EYFS Learning Presentation
5th July - PTA Summer Disco
10th July - Sports Day
11th July - New Class Day
19th July - School Closes for Summer
Swimming Lessons in School
Please click here to view the Swimming Information Letter sent out this week. Arbor is now open for payments. Should you have any queries, please contact the school office.
Good Shepherd Booking
Good Shepherd Club—to book spaces at Breakfast or After School Club, please visit
Final Thought
Monday this week was 'Earth Day' and, as such, our worship has been focused on thinking about the wonderful world around us and how we can look after it. Pupils learnt about Adam and Eve and how they were placed within the Garden of Eden to care for it and nurture it.
If you have time this weekend, spend some time having a look at the world around you. What can you see that is wonderful?