School News
Friday 25th October 2024
Nash Mills CofE Primary School
This term is always one of the longest that we have in the school year and, in just 8 weeks, we have seen so much change in school. For our youngest pupils, it has been a pleasure to see them settling in so well and becoming parts of our school family so quickly. I have loved seeing them all taking part in different events; they listened so well at the church this morning. For older pupils, I'm sure that most now feel well and truly part of their new classes and the summer holidays seem a very distant memory! The children have already shown the brilliant progress that they have made and have produced some excellent work across the curriculum. We have also introduced our buddy system, with pupils coming together during the week, including the Friday Reading Buddy sessions. It has been brilliant to see the children being able to share their skills and developing relationships with pupils across the school.
This term's focus on 'Tolerance' has provided the children with a number of opportunities to consider others and think about different perspectives that people may have. Working with children is genuinely one of the most rewarding roles as we get to see each day how compassionate, kind and caring they are and how well they can appreciate the difficulties and differences that we all have. This theme has continued into Black History Month, where the children have been able to find out about a number of different people who have helped to shape our world and have had some highly valued reflections based on this. After half term, we shall be moving on to consider 'Hopefulness' and, as we move towards Christmas, how this helps us in our lives. You will see in the 'Dates' section below, we have lots of exciting things planned as we move through the term.
I know that this week there have been lots of illnesses and bugs beginning to creep in; I think after such a long half term we are all ready for a break so that we can come back to school refreshed. Whether you are heading out and about in the darker evenings, to Firework events or have other things planned over the next week, stay safe and have some fun. We look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday 4th November.
Mr Maher
Harvest Thanks
Thank you for all your donations for our Harvest collection today. It is always warming to see how much we can collect when we all give a little and do our bit towards a greater purpose. The items collected will be sorted and sent to local food banks to support families within the local area who may need additional help.
The children were also fantastic at this morning's Harvest Service at St. Mary's Church. Each class shared something that they had been learning, which included songs, poems and dancing. A great way to end the term all together!
Year 2 visit the animals!
Year 2 had a fantastic time at Tring Museum. During our workshop, the children classified animals by observing their skin, then grouping them into the correct category. We had lots of time to explore the museum. We used our new knowledge to talk about the animals we found and discussed why they fitted into each group. We even had the chance to sketch some of our favorite animals. Tristan thought the video explaining how animals were discussed was disgusting but interesting. Queenster said she thought the day was really fun but some of the animals were a little scary.
Cross Country Successes!
On Wednesday Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 all participated in the DSSN cross country at Longdean. Resilience, teamwork and tolerance were all on show as the children raced round the field. Rosie in Y5 won the girls 1k and Dylan in Y6 came 2nd in the 2k and 1st in the 1k, with Jenson in 2nd and Alfie in 4th. As ever, support for each other was fabulous and all the children did really well. It's not just about winning in sport, it's about how you take on the challenge - every single child took part and all raced with a smile on their face which made us really proud.
Welcome to this week's attendance match report, where we take a look at how our classes have performed in the attendance league, both for the week and for the half term... It's been an exciting term with each class bringing their A-game to ensure fantastic attendance figures! These are up compared to the same time last year so thank you for your efforts in getting your children into school each day.
Once again, Nursery take the top spot this week with an impressive attendance of 98.4%. The youngest members of our school community are setting a high standard for the rest of the school - will anyone be able to catch them!? This also means that they have won the half term league too, with an average of 99%. Amazing!
It's not all plain sailing though. Year 5 are hot on their heels with a solid 97.7%, showing great consistency and team spirit. Again, this has been consistent across the half term, with a 98.1% average, Year 6 bringing in third place with 98%. This week, Year 6 rounds out the top three with a 95.3% score, a little down on previous weeks - one to watch.
Our Midfield Performers this week are Year 2, following the front pack closely with 95.0%. Year 4 and Year 3 are battling it out with 94.7% and 94.3% respectively, both showing determination to climb the ranks. There are lots of little illnesses at this time of year, but Reception and Year 1 may be in need of a pep talk as they are currently in the lower half with 89.0% and 88.3%. There's always room for improvement, and we're sure they’ll bounce back during our next week in school!
It's been a fantastic half-term with everyone showing great effort and commitment. Let's keep up the momentum and aim for even higher attendance as we move forward. Remember, every day counts! Keep up the great attendance, and let's aim to improve even further as we move into the next half-term.
Go Nash Mills!
Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots!
Our TTRS leader board is based on the improvement of accuracy over the last 7 days, and it is awesome to see new children entering the top 3, well done!!
Our Numbots leader board reflects the most correct answers in the last 7 days and Y2 have absolutely smashed it! With our leader scoring over 2000 correct answers in a week! Well done all!!
Mr Shane
Leader board this week
1st - TJ (Y2)
2nd - Felix (Y2)
3rd - Israel (Y2)
Leader board this week
1st - Duha (Y4)
2nd - Fred (Y4)
3rd - Henry (Y6)
School Photos - Deadline Reminder
Please note that if you would like to order your child's photo and haven't already done so, the final deadline is midnight this coming Monday, 28th October.
Parent Consultations - How to Book
A letter has been sent today confirming that Parent Consultations will be taking place shortly after half term. Please note that bookings are made on a first-come-first served basis; bookings will open on Arbor at 7pm on Monday, 4th November.
Curriculum Spotlights - Music
At the start of the new school year, it is a good opportunity to share with you information about the curriculum we deliver at Nash Mills. This week, we will look at Music.
At Nash Mills, we use a teaching tool called 'Charanga', which gives each class a number of songs, videos and tasks to complete each lesson. It also helps pupils to develop an understanding of some of the key musical vocabulary, including tempo and pulse. Throughout the school, pupils access learning through Charanga which also helps to ensure that, by the time the children are in Year 6, they have had a progressive curriculum, which builds on what they have learnt before.
We also see performing as a key skill that pupils should develop through music lessons. The school funds a music teacher for the year, which provides the opportunity for our Year 3 class all learn the recorder and Year 4 the ukulele. This allows them lots of opportunities to perform to others and to really develop the skill of playing alongside others. We hope that lots of pupils will take these skills onto further musical learning in the future! The confidence gained from performing is also important, giving our children the skills to stand up in front of audiences. This year we have introduced half-termly music showcases, where the classes will come together to share what they have been learning in music and to perform in front of the rest of the school.
We also have a range of peripatetic music opportunities, where individual pupils or small groups can learn instruments. This can be from any age and a number of instruments are offered, including piano, clarinet and ukulele. For most, there is a charge for this however for some, including those pupils eligible for Pupil Premium, there is grant funding which can support costs. More information about this can be found on the Herts Music Service website.
As with our entire curriculum, more information about what we teach at Nash Mills can be found on the curriculum pages of our website. Please do have a look if you would like to learn a little more!
Wider Succesess
Two wider achievements to share this week...! We are always pleased to hear about what you have been up to out of school, please do share!
Ffion's Reading Surprise! I did the summer reading challenge and won the prize draw. So I got to go on a poetry workshop led by a famous poet, Joshua Siegal. He read lots of his poems. I even wrote my own poem called 'Oh, apple I love you so'. I got a poem book called 'Who let the words out?'. And he signed it for me. It was very fun!
Scout Cooking Competition - A huge well done to the three Year 6 pupils (and one past pupil) who came second out of about twenty teams in the Scouts' Ready Steady Cook competition last week.
Star of the Week!
For his fantastic listening this week. Frankie has been a superstar with following our class routines. Well done Frankie!
For your lovely similing face, happy demeanor and for being so settled this week. Well done!
Year 1
For consistently working hard and demonstrating excellent behaviour in the classroom. He is a delight to teach!
Year 2
For making good choices when working so you are completing work to a higher standard. Keep it up Tristan!
Year 3
For trying her best in everything and always being up for a challenge. Keep up the hard work!
Year 4
For his fabulous attitude to learning and great engagement in lessons, confidently making contributions. Well done Edward!
Year 5
For her can do attitude to everything in school and her determination to do well. I'm so proud of you Lola!
Year 6
For his positive, enthusiastic and mature approach towards his learning. Keep it up Hayden!
Upcoming Dates
31st October – Year 6 Secondary School Application Deadline
6th November - Flu Vaccinations in school
6th November - Nursery and Reception Parent Coffee Morning
7th November - Year 5 trip to the British Museum
12th November - Year 4 Class Worship (9am)
12th & 13th November - Parent Consultations (evening)
14th November - Year 3 & Year 6 to Chesham Mosque
15th November - Children in Need Non-Uniform Day
19th November - Year 5 Class Worship (9am)
22nd November - Governor Morning in school
25th November - Year 4 at Middle Age workshop in Flamstead
26th November - Year 5 at Dodgeball event
26th November - Year 6 Class Worship (9am)
27th November - Year 5 British Museum Trip
28th November - PTA Non-Uniform Day
29th November - INSET Day - School Closed
30th November - Choir at St Mary's Church
2nd December - Full Governor Meeting
3rd December - Year 3 Class Worship (9am)
5th December - Nursery Parent Coffee Morning
6th December - Reception Parent Coffee Morning
12th December - Last clubs of term
13th December - PTA Christmas Bazaar!
17th December - KS1 Nativity (9am) and EYFS Nativity (11.15am)
18th December - EYFS Nativity (9am) and KS1 Nativity (2.30pm)
19th December - Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children
19th December - Carols around the Tree (9am) all invited
19th December - Christmas Dinner in school
20th December - Christmas Church Service
20th December - School closes at 1.30pm for Christmas
Pupil Premium
Did you know that your child may be able to receive additional support in school in addition to free school meals, if you qualify for certain benefits?
If you receive any of the following, your child may well be eligible for the Pupil Premium. This provides them with free school meals throughout their time at school, but also a range of additional things in school to help with their learning and engagement. If your child might be eligible, please visit the following site ( or speak to the school office who will be happy to help.
Income Support
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (as long as you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and you don't get more than £16,190 a year)
Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Universal Credit (with annual earned income of no more than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits you get).
The application process only takes a few minutes and we are more than happy to provide support if it is needed.
Good Shepherd Booking
Good Shepherd Club—to book spaces at Breakfast or After School Club, please visit
Clothing Bank
Thank you for your donations towards our clothing bank!
The school carpark is open between 7am and 6pm on weekdays. Members of the local community are more than welcome to use it too so please spread the word!
Final Thought
In church this morning, Mother Alice spoke about how, at this time of year, it is a good chance to stop and think about the food we eat and how we can be grateful for what we have.
Alice shared that her favourite biscuit was a Jammy Dodger - did you know that the jam inside these is raspberry!? She asked the children to think of all the work that goes into making all of the ingredients for Jammy Dodgers and all the time it takes to get them from the factory to our homes. After all of this work and time, we eat them in just a few seconds!
And so the some point over the next week, before you eat a meal or a quick treat, take some time to think about how much love and work has gone into making that item. How grateful we can be for what we have.