Nash Mills CofE Primary School

School News

Friday 22nd March 2024

Year 3's Day at Hudnall Park

This week Year 3 visited Hudnall park. The children took park in a range of team building activities including crossing a crocodile swap and moving dinosaur eggs. It was fantastic to see them working so well together, they had to communicate clearly and listen carefully to each other. 

After lunch, they practiced their map reading skills. They had to find and then order all the stages of a plant's life cycle. They finished the day in the woods learning about poetry. Using the setting to inspire their ideas, each team made a kenning poem about their chosen animal. 

Amazing Writing

During the past few weeks in school, each class has worked on an English themed topic based on the story 'Speak Up!', by Nathan Byron.  In the story, the protagonist, Rocket, is sad to see her local library closing so finds a way to make a difference and get more funding to keep it open.

Classes have spent time learning about significant people from history who showed courage and made a difference.

Each class has then chosen a topic on which they feel that they can make a difference, whether it being the development of facilities within school, the safety on local roads or the wastage of single-use plastics.  We have seen some amazing persuasive letter writing across the school and many of these letters are now winging their way to local councillors, our MP and other people who may be able to help the children to make a difference.  We will let you know how they get on!

Mr Maher's particular favourite were a few letters from Year 1. To try and persuade him to further add to the school's play trails, some children offered to clean and wash his car or come and clean his house...!

Star of the Week!



For always joining in so enthusiastically during carpet time and assembly. Well done Penny!



For being more focused during your active learning. We are so proud that you are choosing to do so much writing!

Year 1


For his excellent enthusiasm towards his learning! Well done Leo.

Year 2


For his excellent writing in RE. Using finger spaces, capital letters and super sounding out! Keep it up Kaiden!

Year 3


For working hard, fantastic learning and being kind and caring towards Mrs Nicholls.

Year 4


For his dedication to learning a lot of lines for his role in the play and also for his excellent hard work in the classroom!

Year 5


For his fantastic attitude to all lessons in school, especially English. Keep it up Henry!

Year 6


For his exceptional contributions to class discussions and inspiring his peers to join in meaningful dialogue.

Times Tables Rockstars

This week, our leader board focuses on those really putting the time in to improve their Rock Star scores. We know how important it is to put in the rehearsal time to help us improve a range of skills and times tables are no different, spending 5 minutes a day is great but 10 minutes is even better! Our top 3 this week have been playing a minimum of 10 minutes a day and their speeds are improving too!

Well done to our top 3 Rock Stars this week!

Leader board this week

1st - Amira (Year 3)

2nd - Fred (Year 3)

3rd - Esme (Year 3)

Therapy Dog

We are extremely fortunate to have a new therapy dog coming to school from Therapy Dogs. Penny and Zorro (the border collie) will be coming to Nash Mills to support some selected children after Easter. The children may get to read to Zorro, brush him, take him for a walk around school amongst other activities. Zorro will always be wearing his yellow vest and stay on a lead whilst in visiting and working with the children.  We will be in contact with parents whose children will be involved intially and hope to be able to open it up to others as time goes on.

We look forward to meeting Zorro in time and will share more information with you then.

Miss Webb

Key Notices

Upcoming Dates


25th March - Y3/4 Production (2.15pm)

26th March - Y3/4 Production (2.15pm)

26th March - YR Class Assembly (9.00am)

26th March - Y2 Trip to Roald Dahl Museum

27th March - Reception to Y6 church service at St. Mary's

27th March - School Closes at 1.30pm for Easter

28th March - INSET Day

15th April - School starts for the summer term for all pupils.

Good Shepherd Booking

Good Shepherd Club—to book spaces at Breakfast or After School Club, please visit

Nursery Admissions

Just a reminder that our Nursery applications for September are now open.  Due to lower local birth-rate, our numbers so far are not looking as strong for September.

If you know of anyone who may be looking for a place, please do suggest that they come and take a look!


Final Thought

This half term, our value focus has been courage and we have spent time thinking about people who have shown courage to stand up forwhat they believe is right.  

As we get closer to the end of term, we think about the various events that led up to Easter Sunday.  The stories of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, challenging those who weren't respecting the temple and gathering his disciples all took courage.  

He had to stand up for a greater cause.  Even though it was risky.

When have you stood up for something that you have believed in?

Was it easy?

Everyone is welcome to our Good Friday Workshop for families! 

An interactive trail through the events of Holy Week and Easter, ending with Hot Cross Buns and drinks. 

Free of charge, no need to book.

From Mother Alice