Nash Mills CofE Primary School

School News

Friday 20th September 2024

Sing Up - I belong...

Earlier in the year, you may remember that our pupils took part in an international music project where the pupils learnt a song and then performed alongside children from across the world.  33,143 children took part over 5 continents and from 16 countries.

The result is a fantastic video which you can view here.  It is brilliant to be part of something so special and in which the lyrics resonate so strongly with the work we do as a school.  Thank you to Mrs Barrett for organising this for us.  Well done everyone!

Visit from Mother Alice

This week, we all met Mother Alice again after the summer.  Alice came to lead a worship around tolerance and how we are sometimes a little quick to judge others when we could instead consider their point of view.

It was the first time some of our younger pupils had met Mother Alice and we talked about how Alice works at St Benedict's Church in Bennetts End and at St. Marys in Apsley.  If you are passing over the weekend, please point these out to your children!

Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots!

All children should have been given their log ins to Numbots and TTRS by now and the competition is on. This week's TTRS trophy winners are Y4 who achieved the most correct answers in KS2 over the last week. There is no change at the top for our TTRS table although the gap in speed between the top 5 has closed! Can anyone catch our leader? Our Numbots leader board has a new leader from Year 1, well done Corin! Who will be top of the leader board next week?

Mr Shane

Leader board this week

1st - Corin (Y1)

2nd - Arthur (Y2)

3rd - Raheem (Y2)

Leader board this week

1st - Ivy (Y5)

2nd - Noah (Y6)

3rd - Jessica M (Y6)

Curriculum Spotlights - History and Geography

At the start of the new school year, it is a good opportunity to share with you information about the curriculum we deliver at Nash Mills.  This week, we will look at History and Geography.

Although these subjects are both distinctive and have very different aims, we plan them together.  This is because we recognise that our school has a rather unique position in that it has been central to Nash Mills for over 175 years and, as pupils move through the school, they learn how Nash Mills has come to be from a geographical and historical perspective.

Throughout each year, we have a historical focus during the autumn, a geographical one in the spring and, where appropriate, one that uses both sets of skills in the summer.  This term, pupils in Years 2-6 will have a weekly lesson based on a period of ancient or distant history.  As historians, they will explore different sources of evidence and think about how we know about things that happened long before cameras and iPhones!  In Early Years and Year 1, the children will develop the skills needed to be historians, by practicing putting things in order or thinking about things in their lives, for example.

In the spring term, pupils spend time as geographers.  They will consider a specific topic, for example 'Rivers' or 'Mountains' and will also spend time learning mapping skills.  They will then look at our local area and think about how we use it; some classes will look at traffic whilst others may think about how people use the canal.  Again, in Early Years and Year 1, the focus is more on looking at the world around us and thinking about how we look after it.

In the summer term, we spend time revisiting all of these skills as historians and geographers by looking at a  local theme.  For example, one of our classes learn about the Victorians and their impact on the Nash Mills area, including why our school was built.  Pupils will look at the mapping of the area and consider why it was the perfect place for the Victorian paper mills to be built.  This helps the children to really see purpose in the learning they do throughout the year.

To help ensure that the aims of our curriculum are really clear and concise, for each topic in Years 2-6, the children use workbooks which we have developed in school.  This means that we know exactly what the children will learn and how they will progress through their topics.

As with our entire curriculum, more information about what we teach at Nash Mills can be found on the curriculum pages of our website.  Please do have a look if you would like to learn a little more! 

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon - Friday 27th September

A gentle reminder that you are all invited to our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon from 2.30pm on Friday 27th September. The event is being organised by our Year 6 pupils who would be very grateful for donations of cake (home made or shop bought) if you are able. Please bring any cake donations to the back of the school hall on Friday at drop-off.

Any remaining cakes will continue to be on sale for pupils from 3.15pm.

Please note that the event will be cash-only, and entrance will be via the West Gate at the front of school.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you in advance for your support,

Star of the Week!



For her fantastic listening this week and being super helpful! 

Well done Pipin!



For always being willing to help others and being good friends to others in the class. Keep it up Penny!

Year 1

Lily A

For showing a confident attitude towards her learning and being really helpful. Keep it up!

Year 2


For having a fantastic start to Year 2, being more willing to learn and trying to become more independent. Keep it up King!

Year 3


For being ready to learn in every lesson; having exceptional manners and always willing to lend a helping hand.

Year 4


For her excellent work in every lesson and for working hard to be a kind friend.

Year 5


For his fantastic attitude to all his learning and working really hard this week. Well done Ollie!

Year 6


For working really hard this week in all her lessons. Well done Aria!

Start of the School Year Notices

Indoor Shoes - A reminder that we ask for pupils in Years 1-6 to have indoor shoes which they can change into when they come into class.  This means that they can have more appropriate trainers for running around at break and lunchtimes and also helps us to keep the school clean and tidy.  Please ensure that these are plain black shoes that are clearly named.

Pupils walking home independently in Years 5 and 6 - As some of the older pupils will now be developing more independence skills, there may be days when you would like them to walk home independently.  If you would like to provide permission for this, please email the school office (the online form has now been closed) so that teachers can be aware of this.

Use of the carpark - Please note that the school carpark is for staff only, with the exception of parents who using The Good Shepherd Club.  Please do not use the carpark to pick up your child after school or clubs - we try to keep traffic to a minimum so that everyone is as safe as possible.  Thank you.

PE Kits - During the holidays we sent you information which included the days that each class would be having their PE lessons.  On these days, the children should come to school wearing their PE kits.  They are:

Monday: Years 2, 4, 5 and 6

Tuesday: Years 1 and 3

Wednesday: Years 4 and 6

Thursday: Years 1, 3, 5 and Nursery

Friday: Year 2

These days may change during the term.  We will let you know if this is the case.  Please note that when the children have PE lessons in the hall, they will be expected to do so bare-footed as this helps the children to be safe whilst they are running around.

Upcoming Dates

23rd September - PTA AGM at 7pm in the library (enter through the West Gate)

24th September - Nursery Parent Coffee Morning - 9am in the dining room

24th September - Year 3 visit to Pizza Express

27th September - MacMillan Coffee Afternoon

1st October – Y1 to Mead Open Farm

1st October– Y4 to Pizza Express

2nd October – Y5&6 Tag Rugby Event

3rd October – Reception Coffee Morning (9am)

7th October – School Photos

10th October – Nursery coffee morning (9am)

15th October – Y6 to Sky Studios

16th October – Y4 to Mountfitchet Castle

17th October – Y3 to Lee Valley

23rd October– Y2 to Tring Natural History Museum 

25th October – Harvest Service at Church

28th October – 1st November: Half Term

31st October – Y6 Secondary School Application Deadline

Pupil Premium

Did you know that your child may be able to receive additional support in school in addition to free school meals, if you qualify for certain benefits?

If you receive any of the following, your child may well be eligible for the Pupil Premium.  This provides them with free school meals throughout their time at school, but also a range of additional things in school to help with their learning and engagement.  If your child might be eligible, please visit the following site ( or speak to the school office who will be happy to help. 

The application process only takes a few minutes and we are more than happy to provide support if it is needed.

Good Shepherd Booking

Good Shepherd Club—to book spaces at Breakfast or After School Club, please visit

Herts Music Service

The online application is now open for booking for music lessons and ensembles. Please click here for more information.


The pub landlady is happy for school parents and carers to park on the pub site any time before 12 noon. However, after this time, please do not park at the pub since it is preventing her customers from parking and she is losing business. Please allow time to find a parking space elswhere at pick up. On behalf of the landlady, thank you for your support.

Social Media Change

In school, we love sharing all our work and being able to show you how the children spend their days! 

Following a number of difficulties using the 'Twitter' or 'X' platform, we have made the decision to move our news feed across to the Bluesky platform as of next week.  This works in exactly the same way and will show you what we have been up to.  You do not have to sign up for an account on Bluesky, but doing so will provide easier access to our news through the app.  We always enjoy seeing all the 'likes' for various things shared too!

To view our school's Bluesky stream, please visit the website and search 'Nashmillsschool' or click here

Final Thought

"We have far more in common than that which divides us" Jo Cox

As part of our focus on tolerance, we have spent some time thinking about the above quote.  Pupils were brilliant in sharing all the ways in which we were the same, but also all the ways in which we were special.  

How much do we all have in common?  Why is this something to be proud of?