Nash Mills CofE Primary School

School News

Friday 15th March 2024

Science Week!

This week has been British Science week. This year’s theme is 'Time'.


Throughout the week classes were busy with a range of Science activities.  Nursery through to Year 5 took part in a workshop on Monday to kick the week off which was all about ‘Inventors and Inventions.’ 


The children in Year 1 learned all about Benjamin Franklin and Henry Ford, while Year 3 have been focusing on inventors and inventions from the past and future. We became vets in training after spending the day 'live on the farm' following a veterinarian. We finished by inventing machines to help make farmers lives easier. There were auto sheep shearers and robotic midwives to name a few! 


Year 2 have had the Chicks and have learnt about lifecycles, and Year 4 took part in a live online science lesson that was all about the lifecycles of some invertebrates for example insects and tardigrades.  This came in handy when they went on a trip to the river.


Year 1 enjoyed an experiment that was all about hygiene.  We took three pieces of bread: one was a control piece, one was rubbed by each child before washing their hands and the other after washing their hands.  Some children have predicted that the bread will ‘go mouldy’ or ‘get rotten’ because of the germs. We will be waiting to see what happens to each piece of bread....!

Chicks Update!

We're delighted to report that all of our chicks thrived and have now gone off to a happy home where they will be well looked after.

Reception and Year 1 visit the animals!

Today, Reception and Year 1 have spent a fun-filled day at Hertfordshire Zoo (formerly Paradise Wildlife Park), seeing how many animals they could find and exploring the different habitats.  For both classes, this closely links to current learning and will provide rich experiences which will help next term too.  

I really liked looking at the dinosaurs.  The T-Rex was my favourite.  Francis

I loved seeing the lion.  It roared really loud!  Roman

The penguins were my favourite.  They looked funny waddling around!  Hope

Year 6 visit Code Breaking HQ

Year 6 learned so much about history on our trip to Bletchley Park and got to see first-hand where the magic happened. We saw all these old buildings where the codebreakers did their magic. It was like going back in time! 

There were machines everywhere, all clunky and ancient-looking, but back then, they were cutting-edge tech. It was mind-blowing to think about how they used these machines to crack the enemy's codes and save lives! We even got to see some of the actual codebreaking machines they used! 

But the coolest part of the trip was learning about the people who worked there. They were like the unsung heroes of the war! There were men and women from all walks of life, working day and night to crack codes and keep our country safe. 

They were real-life superheroes!

Star of the Week!



For super concentration on the carpet during phonics. Well done!



For taking on more responsibility and doing some amazing tidying up this week. Well done - fantastic effort!

Year 1


For her enthusiasm towards learning and always excelling herself!

Year 2


 For her independence and hard work this year. I am proud of how much more confident and resilient she has become. Keep it up!

Year 3


For working hard, keeping focus and improving her presentation.

Year 4


For her excellent resilience in learning - always having a go at tackling her work!!

Year 5


For his kind, considerate nature and positivity towards everything in school.

Year 6


For his infectious enthusiasm and his ability to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Commonwealth Service Visit

Each year, to celebrate our involvement in the Commonwealth, a special service is held at Westminster Abbey in London.  The service is always well attended by members of the Royal Family, Heads of State from around the World and other key dignitaries.

This year, we were fortunate to have eight of our Year 5 pupils invited to attend the service.  They began the day with a little bit of sightseeing, before heading to Westminster, where they saw the Queen and heard from a number of interesting speakers and performers.  

It was a fantastic experience for all involved and an excellent example of how working together can prove so rich and interesting.  

Times Tables Rockstars

This week, our leader board displays the most correct answers for the last week. Ivy is our top rock star - with a whopping 5,424 correct answers in the last 7 days! That was over 1,000 more than second place! Can anyone catch her before Easter? Special mention to Year 3 because the rest of the top 7 are all Year 3; they are by far and away the top class at the moment.

Well done to our top 3 Rock Stars this week!

Leader board this week

1st - Ivy (Y4)

2nd - Abdul Hameed (Y3)

3rd - Amira (Y3)

Walk to School Week - 18th-22nd March 2024

Today, more than ever, it is vital that we teach the next generation to look after our world. We can help by travelling to school actively; active travel is a great way to build physical activity into children’s daily routine. It helps them arrive to school more relaxed and alert and is great for their mental wellbeing too.

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is the UK’s largest inter-school walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling challenge. It inspires pupils to make active journeys to school, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and discover how these changes benefit their world. The event aims to encourage more families to travel to school actively and help create healthier and happier communities. 

Our school challenge will run from 18-22 March 2024. Taking part in Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel and travelling actively to school instead of driving, is a great and fun way to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gate. Please join us by leaving the car at home where possible, or driving part-way to school and walking the rest of the way.  

Thank you

Mrs Wilson

Encouraging Girls Football

Last Friday, we were invited to Longdean School for an all girls football filled day, run in association with the FA. With nearly 600 students from local schools in attendance it was a busy but exciting day with so many different opportunities for the girls to practise and develop their football skills. It was a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to form teams with girls from other schools and work on team playing skills. 

The girls had a brilliant day and particularly enjoyed when part of a winning team during the afternoon matches!

We had a great time at this week's Girls Football Tournament at Longdean School. A group of pupils from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 participated. We all really enjoyed playing with and against pupils from other schools to improve on our team skills. It was also a good chance to spend time with children from other schools. We were lucky that it wasn't too rainy and really enjoyed the day! Florence and Unnum Year 6

Key Notices

Upcoming Dates

11th March - Y6 Trip to Bletchley Park

12th &13th March - Parent Consultations

12th March - Y4 River Study Trip

12th March - Y6 visit Abbots Hill

12th March - Governor Meeting in school

15th March - Red Nose Day

15th March - YR&Y1 Trip to Wildlife Park

19th March - Y3 Trip to Hudnall Park


25th March - Y3/4 Production (2.15pm)

26th March - Y3/4 Production (2.15pm)

26th March - YR Class Assembly (9.00am)

26th March - Y2 Trip to Roald Dahl Museum

27th March - School Closes at 1.30pm for Easter

28th March - INSET Day

Good Shepherd Booking

Good Shepherd Club—to book spaces at Breakfast or After School Club, please visit

Nursery Admissions

Just a reminder that our Nursery applications for September are now open.  Due to lower local birth-rate, our numbers so far are not looking as strong for September.

If you know of anyone who may be looking for a place, please do suggest that they come and take a look!

PTA Pre-loved uniform

The PTA have recently re-stocked and refreshed the Uniform Shed which is located under the shelter in the main playground. There is plenty there (all clearly labelled with size), including summer dresses ready for next term. Please free to take whatever you need in exchange for a small donation which can be left in the PTA postbox next to to the shed. All proceeds go to the PTA. 

Gardening Supplies

You may have seen on the field that a new Polytunnel is currently being built which will form part of our outdoor learning and Forest School provision.  We are hoping that as the year progresses, it will be full of plant life, with some tasty vegetables!

I'm sure that some of you will have old packets of seeds, plant pots or half-used bags of compost lying around at home.  If there was anything that was not going to be used, we would be very grateful for donations to help get our growing off the ground!  Thank you in advance for your support.


Final Thought

This week, we have continued to think about courage, our value for the half term.  As we get closer to Easter, the children have spent time in worship thinking about stories that show courage.  One of this week's Bible stories was Peter walking on water.  The story says that he was able to do this until he began to doubt himself and forgot that Jesus was there to help him.  Doubt is something we all have, but we should be careful that it doesn't stop us doing things that are important.

Has doubt ever stopped you from doing something?

Who can you trust to help you if you need support?