Nash Mills CofE Primary School
School News
Friday 5th July 2024
Year 5 visit
Bhaktivedanta Manor
On Tuesday year 5 went to Bhaktivedanta Manor, a Hindu temple with an organic farm. We had a wonderful time learning about the different Gods and dressing up in traditional saris and turbans as well as going on an ox ride round a field and feeding the cows. Did you know their skin is about 5-6cms thick?! We visited the temple and had a walk round the gardens and finished it all off with a well deserved play in the park.
The Great Biscuit Election!
Whilst many of you may have been heading to the Polling Station this week to cast your vote in the General Election, our pupils were making their own important decision within school! On Tuesday, pupils in Year 6 spoke to the school to try and convince them as to which of the following is the greatest biscuit. We had:
The Chocolate Chip Cookie Party
The Custard Cream Party
The Shortbread Party
The Chocolate Digestive Party
Each group gave some very persuasive arguments as to why their biscuit was the best and then set about on their 48 hour election campaigns to try to gain as many voters as they could.
On Thursday, a Biscuit Polling Station (the best type of Polling Station!) was set up in the hall and all pupils were able to come and cast their votes. The votes are currently being counted and, on Monday, the children will discover which is the greatest biscuit!
On a more serious side, this has been an excellent opportunity to talk to the children about the election and the importance of democracy. The children were really interested in the process and how we elect the government. Perhaps we have a few budding politicians in our midst...!?
Nursery visit Watermill Care Home
Nursery had a great time at Watermill Care Home on Wednesday. They looked out for different types of transport as part of our 'wheels, wings and other things' topic as they walked there and back, and spotted lorries, buses, cars and vans. At the care home, the children worked together to plant seeds for the residents’ garden, which was a great link to our topic last half term about growing. The trip finished with colouring and having squash in the café! The children were amazing and the care home thoroughly enjoyed their visit!
The Brilliant Club
This term, a number of pupils in our Year 6 class have been completing a special programme with The Brilliant Club. This is a national organisation working with schools to introduce pupils to the idea that, one day, they might consider engaging in further education.
Through the course, the students took part in 8 tutorials all based on the theme of 'What is Fairness?'. Led each week by their own PhD tutor, Michelle from the University of Birmingham, they explored and discussed a number of ideas and debated their points of view. The children learnt about a number of topics, including international trade and pay parity in the UK; all very complex issues! At the end of the string of tutorials, the children wrote a dissertation, a 1000 word university-style essay, about what they had learnt. Some of the work was outstanding!
On Monday, the children were invited to a special day at the Royal Holloway University where they found out a little more about what it is like to be a student and why some people go to university. They spent the day with students from the Royal Holloway, found out about the sports and clubs on offer and took a tour of the campus. To end the day, the children 'graduated' from the programme in a special presentation ceremony.
This is the first time that we have been involved in this project and we are so proud of what the children have achieved. It is always good to consider new ideas and, perhaps, some of the children will consider university as an option when they are older. Who knows, our group going to university could help to develop our future doctors, nurses or the next Headteacher of Nash Mills...!
Special Golf Day
We were lucky enough to be invited to The Centurion Golf Club on Thursday to take a group of pupils to watch the Ladies European Tour. It was a fantastic event and the opportunity to see a different sport that the children may not have been overly aware of prior to going. The day was filled with opportunities to develop their golfing skills as well as lots of chances to see the pros up close.
"I really liked seeing how hard they could hit the ball" - Ollie Y5
"I liked being able to try different golfing activities" - Bella Y4
Serge Hill Garden visits
On Thursday, Years 4 and 5 had an exciting opportunity to go on a field trip to Serge Hill Gardens. The children had a very busy few hours where they were able to take part in a range of activities such as identifying plants and flowers through orienteering, bug hunting using pooters, painting, comparing plants growing in soil to sand and looking in a large polytunnel!
The children took time to compare our school poly tunnel and plants to the Serge Hill gardens, they asked some fantastic questions gaining planting tips from the head gardener! Both classes throughly enjoyed the trip and we received lovely feedback from other adults of how polite and well behaved our Nash Mills children are.
We look forward to hopefully returning to the gardens in the Autumn term to look at seasonal changes.
Rosie - “I enjoyed finding bugs using pooters.”
Ryan - “ I liked how we had to find a range of different flowers using a map.”
Iris - “I loved going into the polytunnel and smelling the herbs.”
Miss Bentley
Staffing Updates
A few weeks ago, we shared with you the plans for staffing from September, with a small caveat that these may change. Unfortunately, we have a last-minute bit of news to share with you in that we will be saying 'goodbye' to Mrs Thurgood at the end of term. Mrs Thurgood has worked at Nash Mills in various roles for over 17 years and, in this time, has made a huge difference to so many pupils and adults as they have moved through the school. Mrs Thurgood will be leaving us to spend more time with her family and has promised to keep in touch, so we hope to see her again soon! I am sure you will join with me in thanking Mrs Thurgood for the amazing service she has given to our school over such a long period of time.
Due to this, we are currently advertising for a new Teaching Assistant who will work within our Key Stage 2 and have made a couple of changes to help accommodate this. This may not be final, however, at present our plan for September is thus:
Nursery: Miss Archer and Mrs Holmes
Reception: Mrs Wilson, Miss Bolton and Ms Impey
Year 1: Miss Brewer, Mrs Akhtar, Miss Hollis, Mrs Gamage and Mrs Gazzard
Year 2: Mrs Nicholls, Mrs Cambridge, Mrs Armitage and Mrs Levy
Year 3: Miss Lyden and Mrs Jakeman (Miss Webb will be working with Year 3 too in September)
Year 4: Mrs Barrett (Mon-Weds), Mr Shane (Thu and Fri) and Miss Fraser
Year 5: Mrs Lewis and Mrs Thurgood
Year 6: Mrs Ofosu, Mrs Setterfield and Mrs Gazzard
Next Thursday, the children will all spend time in their new classes to meet their new classroom staff from September. After school on Thursday, we shall be holding a brief session for parents to be able to pop into classrooms to see where the children will be learning in September. You are welcome to visit between 3.25pm and 4pm.
Out of school achievements
This week we learnt about an excellent out-of-school achievement for Iris in Year 4. Having played football for Berkhamsted Raiders for the last 3 years, Iris' team were recently chosen as Team of the Year, having beaten nearly 100 other teams! This is an amazing achievement and we are very proud of Iris and her success!
This photo is from the team being presented with a trophy in front of thousands of people!
Well done Iris!
Times Tables Rockstars
The clamour for the TTRS trophy was palpable when it was announced last week. The promise of victory was loud and raucous! But there could be only one class wining the trophy for the week well done to Y3 who had the most correct answers this week as a class.
Our individual leader board reflects studio speed, how quickly children are answering questions. At the top of the leader board this week is Ivy (Y4) with an impressive 0.71 seconds per answer. Well done to our top 3.
Well done to our top 3 Rock Stars this week!
Leader board this week
1st - Ivy (Y4)
2nd - Isma'il (Y6)
3rd - Ngowari (Y6)
Star of the Week!
For being a super star on our school trip and taking part in more activites. Well done Luna-Rae!
For trying really hard to listen and being more focused to organise yourself to sit on the carpet with everyone else. Keep it up Scarlett!
Year 1
Year 1!
For their amazing enthusiasm, behaviour and patience on the Chiltern Open Air Museum trip! Incredible!
Year 2
For always striving to do her best; listening carefully to advice and applying it to her work. Well done!
Year 3
Noah L
For being an avid reader and always picking up a book in his free time! Carry on reading!
Year 4
For her fantastic unwaveringly positive approach to all her learning throughout the year!
Year 5
Year 5!
For representing the school so fantastically and showcasing their learning at Bhaktivedanta Manor.
Year 6
For her remarkable growth in confidence and the ability to express herself.
Pupil Premium
Did you know that your child may be able to receive additional support in school in addition to free school meals, if you qualify for certain benefits?
If you receive any of the following, your child may well be eligible for the Pupil Premium. This provides them with free school meals throughout their time at school, but also a range of additional things in school to help with their learning and engagement. If your child might be eligible, please visit the following site ( or speak to the school office who will be happy to help.
Income Support
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (as long as you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and you don't get more than £16,190 a year)
Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Universal Credit (with annual earned income of no more than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits you get).
The application process only takes a few minutes and we are more than happy to provide support if it is needed.
Lunch change next week
Due to our new Reception pupils visiting next Thursday, we have made a slight adjustment to the lunch menu. The options for Thursday and Friday next week will swap.
Upcoming Dates
10th July - Sports Day
11th July - New Class Day
16th July - Y5/6 Production
17th July - Y5/6 Production
18th July - Y6 Leavers Party
18th July - Whole School Church Service
19th July - Y6 Leavers Assembly
19th July - School Closes at 1.30pm for Summer
Good Shepherd Booking
Good Shepherd Club—to book spaces at Breakfast or After School Club, please visit
New supplier - In order to help you to get the correct uniform, we have recently signed up to a second, local supplier, who will be able to offer uniform at competitive prices. PL Schoolwear has a shop based at Bennetts Gate which we hope will make the ordering and collection process a little easier. We are also still looking into other local suppliers who also may be able to provide uniform in the future.
More information can be found on our school website.
Final Thought
What a busy week it has been in school this week! From the information above that so much begins happening as we get closer to the summer holidays. By the time 1.30pm comes along on Friday 19th, we will all be ready for a break!
As we get closer to the holidays, take a moment to think about what you have to look forward to. Will you go away somewhere and spend special time with your family? Will you have the opportunity to catch up with friends? Or will it just be a good opportunity to spend some extra time together?
What do you have to look forward to?