Global Activities

As a Global Global scholar, I participated in an array of global activities. Some of those activities were events I was able to attend in person, while others I completed virtually due to COVID-19. Nevertheless, both types of activities allowed me to learn about and engage in the global community. I also felt more connected to NCC by being able to participate with other students.

Some of my activities consisted of watching international movies, listening to international music, and learning about the politics of other countries, current events, and cultural norms. For example, one event, "Brexit Breakfast," that taught me a lot about a subject I was unfamiliar with. I learned about how the U.K. left the European Union and what that meant for U.K. citizens, the EU as a whole, and countries that do trade with the U.K. This was a topic I likely wouldn't have learned about if it weren't for the event. Furthermore, that event in particular made me realize that politics aren't as abstruse as I once believed.

One of my favorite events was an international festival held at NCC. I was able to learn a bit about many different cultures. Best of all, I was able to talk with people who were proud to share information about their culture and heritage. Engaging with like-minded students and faculty was one of my favorite things about participating in global activities.

Parasite (2019) - Global Film Review

Brexit Breakfast

From my Ranch to Your Kitchen - Cooking Demonstration

The Danger of a Single Story - TED Talk Viewing