Self Portrait

Artist: Kehinde Wiley

Kehinde Wiley is a painter based in New York City. He is inspired by traditional Renaissance paintings and echos them in his work by painting people from his every day life posing in a traditional Renaissance style. Wiley uses symbolism in his work to describe the person in the portrait. This is most evident in his portrait of President Barak Obama that has a variety of flowers in the background that each mean something different.

The Backgroun

At the begginning of the assignment, students are asked to come up with a list of things they like or things they like to do. 5th graders then illustrate these subjects in a collaged background similar to Wiley's style. Once students have completed their background they must consider how they will portray themselves in their portrait. What does their body language say about themselves? Students are asked "how would you want to be remembered?"; and show that through how they are posed in their pictures.

Green Screen

Students are asked "how would you want to be remembered?"; and show that through how they are posed in their pictures. After determining a pose, students then capture that pose and use the DoInk Green Screen app to put themselves in their artwork.

Double Take

Wiley's signature style involves taking traditional Renaissance era paintings and re-interpreting them with people and items from the modern era. Check out these paintings below: What are the similarities? What are the differences? What is each person like?

Artist: Kehende Wiley

Title: Anthony of Padua

Artist: Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino

Title: Anthony of Padua