Homecoming Dance

Saturday, October 7th

7pm - 10pm

(Doors open for check in at 6:30 and close at 8:30pm)

Field House

(Check in at the Contest Gym)

Semi-formal attire

(No sweats, jeans, or shorts)


[Cannot be barefoot]

All dance attendees must have their school ID and eTicket to enter the dance

*Do not activate your ticket until you are checking in*

Attendees will be able to check items upon arrival

Light snacks and water will be provided


Purchase your ticket HERE


When are tickets going on sale?

September 29th!

When do I activate or "use" my ticket?

The adult checking you into the dance will activate it for you when you arrive. Do not click it before entering!

Will we have access to bathrooms?

Yes, the bathrooms in athletic hallway will be open.

Where do I check in?

Contest gym. Enter through the Athletics entrance.

Can I bring my purse?

No. All bags (large and small) must be check into Coat Check.

Can I check my shoes in at Coat Check?

No, unless you're putting on different shoes. You aren't allowed to be barefoot at the dance.

What if I arrive after 8:30pm?

You will not be allowed into the dance since check in closes at 8:30pm.

Can I leave the dance and come back in?

No. Once you leave the dance, you will not be allowed back into the dance.

R  E  M  E  M  B  E  R

Students need to demonstrate appropriate behavior and show respect for themselves, staff, and peers at all times, in all locations!

This includes the following:

·  Show respect for self and others relative to space and actions.

·  Refrain from anything that is sexually explicit.

·  Front to back dancing will not be permitted.

·  Abide by all other expectations set forth in the student handbook, district discipline policy, and co-curricular code.

·  Abide by the dance dress code.

Students who do not abide by these standards may be asked to leave the dance without warning and will receive consequences according to current school regulations. By purchasing tickets, I agree to these expectations