Daily Schedule

Below is an example of our daily activities. 

8:05-8:30--Breakfast and Morning Routines

8:30-8:45--Morning Meeting

8:45-9:15--ELA (Skills)

9:15-9:45--ELA (Core Knowledge)

9:45-9:50--Brain Break

9:50-10:20--Reading Groups



11:40-12:00--Calendar or Leader In Me



1:30-2:00--Title I Reading/Remediation

1:55-2:15--Snack & Story


Specials Schedule

Below you will find our specials schedule based on our six day cycle. A reminder that students will need sneakers to participate in P.E.. Students are welcome to leave an extra pair of sneakers in their cubby. 

Day 1--Physical Education (Mr. Bilow

Day 2--Art (Mrs. Lattrell)

Day 3--Physical Education (Mr. Bilow) & 

STEM (Mrs. LaPoint)

Day 4--Library (Mrs. Smallman)

Day 5--Physical Education (Mr. Bilow) &

SEL (Social Emotional Learning) (Mrs. Brudvig)

Day 6--Music (Mr. Baker)

Contact Mrs. Matthews
Phone: (518)  594-3986 ext. 2136or using ROOMS or email