NAC Fourth Grade


Classroom Information and Procedures


All students are expected to be safe, responsible, and kind. This includes when they are in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, during special classes, at recess and on the bus. 


Nightly reading and practicing of math facts should be a part of your child's homework routine. We will also be providing assignments that are paper-based or online. 


If your child is not well (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, persistent cough), please keep him/her home from school.  Your child will have their temperature taken each day before they enter the building. 

However, please do not keep your child home from school for frivolous purposes.  When absent, they will have a few days to get missed work caught up depending on how many days are missed. It can be difficult for some children to make up missed work, and it is even harder to catch up when they have missed new material being presented. 

School Supplies

Your child is responsible for keeping his/her supplies neat and organized.  Extra school supplies that do not fit inside the desk are kept in a bag inside their lockers.  As your child runs low on pencils, erasers, or glue, we’ll send a note home.  Please be aware that space is limited; materials that were not on the supply list are strongly discouraged.


 We have recess daily from 1:0-1:30. Your child may keep one extra jacket or extra pair of shoes in his/her locker.  In the winter, boots, ski pants, gloves, and a hat are required.  Please remember to label every item with your child’s name.  We often have duplicate items, and children don’t always recognize their own clothing.  If your child has an injury and you wish for him/her to stay inside from recess for a day, please send a note explaining that. Anything longer than that requires a doctor's note.

Daily Snack/Birthday Snacks

We have a short break each day when your child is allowed to enjoy a small, healthy snack at school.  As per school policy, candy, sugary juices, and soda are not allowed.   Water is the only drink allowed in the classroom except during lunch or breakfast.

Our school is now a PEANUT FREE school. Students are not permitted to bring in any food that contains peanuts , tree nuts, or was manufactured in a facility that contains peanuts. PLEASE READ THE LABELS. Students with these items will not be allowed to eat them and will have to return them home at the end of the day.

Students will not be permitted to bring in any birthday snacks to share due to Covid-19.

 Water bottles

Children may have  water bottles in the classroom.  They may keep them at their desks if they have a spill-proof cap. Only water may be kept at their desks. Other beverages must be kept in their backpacks or lunch pails. Please be sure your child's water bottle is washed each night before it is returned to school. 


Contact us:

Phone: (518) 594- 3986 

Through Rooms