Junior Infants

M. Sinead's Class

Maths Week 2024

This week was Maths Week. We had lots of fun playng with our six bricks as part of our Maths Week activities. We made our six bricks into cubes and played Simon Says using lots of maths language. We also had fun learning and playing the card game "Snap!". We did a great job and especially enjoyed shouting Snap when we matched 2 cards. 

Autumn Walk 

During October we have been learning all about autumn. We learned all about what the squirrel and the hedgehog do during autumn. Did you know that the squirrel does not actually hibernate? We then created our own bushy tailed squirrels and spikey hedgehogs in art.  We talked about the trees, we learned the names for the different parts of a tree and spoke about their leaves changing colours and falling off during autumn. We then went on an autumn walk around the school to see if we could spot any signs of autumn. We had great fun and at the end we collected some leaves which we will use to do leaf rubbings. Take a look at the fun we had in our pictures below

Child Led Play

Play is so important in our class and we try to play in every subject where possible but we also value child-led or free play in our class. Every day we have child-led play where the children get to choose which activity they would like to play with. We have a range of different activities such as sand, building blocks, craft area, playdough and small world. We have great fun ending our day playing and having fun with our friends. Take a look at some pictures of us having fun and creating new things during play.


We have been very busy in Maths. We have been learning all about matching, sorting and comparing. All of our maths toys got mixed around one day and we had to help teacher by sorting all the objects into the correct groups so we could tidy our shelves. We had great fun! We have also been busy using our Six Bricks during Maths. We split into 2 groups and buildt towers using our bricks, we then compared which group had the tallest tower. We loved this task, have a look at the fun we had in our pictures.

All About Me

Our focus for September was "All About Me". We created our own unique self portraits and learned all about our bodies. We had great fun tracing around Cole to create our lifesize body which we then labelled with all the correct body parts. Take a look at our pictures below.

Welcome to Junior Infants 

I was delighted to welcome all the boys and girls to Junior Infants at the end of August. They all settled into school so well and we have been so busy learning all about our school and ourselves for the month of September. On the very first day of school we took our photos and coloured in our very special names. We spoke about all the things we liked about school at the end of our first week and made our "Welcome to Junior Infants" display.