1st Class

M. Sinéad's Class

Sports Day 

We had great fun during Sports Day. We took part in lots of different activities including hula hoop challenges, tug of war, races, soccer, dodgeball and athletics. We even got a chance to try out the obstacle course at the end of the day! We had the best day and even though we were very tired we all left school with a smile on our face! We took part in the activities in our teams and the red team were our winners this year! Well done Red Team! 

Our School Tour to Pine Forest

For our school tour this year we went to Pine Forest Art Centre in Wicklow. We had lots of fun making art in our very own private cabins to keep out of the rain. We made paper lizards, fairy doors and drew a picture of the frog pond we saw on our tour. We also went for a magical walk in the forest through spider webs and up and down hills. We made it to the bridge and saw the Hawthorn tree where the fairies lived. We made a wish to the fairies but don't worry we didn't share them or they won't come true! We then turned into bears and wolves and chased each other back up the hill to our cabins! We had the best day despite the rain! You can click through and see all our pictures of our great day below.

Well Being Day

We celebrated Well Being Day in the school today. We took part in some well being activities including yoga and mindful colouring. We each created a gratitude picture for our whole school gratitude project. Our favourite part of the day was the Well Being Walk, we had a special visitor Múinteoir Sinéad's dog "Ralph" came to join us which was a great suprise. We enjoyed giving Ralph a pet and watching him do the paw trick with teacher. Our Well Being Walk finished with a very special treat of ice-cream! We had a great day! 

Ag Scipeáil (Skipping)

As part of our Irish lessons this week we listened to and learned 2 skipping songs, " Ag Scipeáil" agus "Scipeáil Suas". Múinteoir Sinéad took us outside so we could practice our new songs and our skipping. We had great fun skipping together. This was our favourite Irish lesson so far! 

Sense of Taste

This week we learned about our sense of taste and the tongue. We learned about the 5 different tastes and where the tastebuds are located for each on the tongue. We then took part in a blind taste experiment to see could we identify sweet, salty and sour tastes. Three cups A,B and C were put on our desks, they each had some water in them however when we tasted them we quickly figured out that Múinteoir Sinéad had mixed salt, sugar and lime into the water. We didn't know which was which and had to use our tastebuds to match the correct cup to the taste. We then drew the tongue and tastebuds into our copies. We are happy to report our tastebuds work really well and we were able to match all the tastes correctly! This experiment was so much fun!

2D Shapes 

We learned all about 2D shapes in Maths. We made our own tangrams and used them to create different pictures. we also created monsters in Art using 2D shapes. We are now Shape Experts! 

Still Life Art

This month we are learning all about food. This week our focus was on healthy food especially fruit and vegetables. As part of art we learned about Paul Cézanne who was a famous still life artist. We learned that he painted apples and was known for breaking the rules of art when he was alive. We then drew our own still life fruit pictures and painted them with our watercolour paints. We really enjoyed this lesson but our favourite part was getting to taste the fruit at the end! Yummy!

Rice Krispie Buns 

We had a great suprise during our English lesson. We have been learning all about procedural writing and today we were writing about making Rice Krispie buns. First we talked about the materials and steps of making Rice Krispie buns and created a whole class piece of procedural writing.Then Múinteoir Sinéad took us to the staff room where we worked together following the steps to make our own Rice Krispie buns. We made lots of buns and left some in the staff room as a suprise for the other teachers and SNA's. We had so much fun! 

Jackson Pollock

We learned about the abstract artist Jackson Pollock and how he created his work by splashing and throwing paint on a canvas. We created our own Jackson Pollock inspired paintings by splashing paint on our paper using a special paintbrush made from a lollipop stick and string. We had so much fun making our paintings (and a big mess) !

Bridge Building

As part of Engineers Week and our monthly STEM topics we were learning all about transport and bridges. We designed our own bridges and made them out of recyclable materials. We took inspiration from the different types of bridges we learned about and challenged ourselves to make a bridge that could hold a toy car. We had great fun and made excellent bridges that all passed the car test! 

Spring Clean 2024

On the 23rd of April our class took part in the whole school Spring Clean. Using the litter pickers we helped clean up the back and side of the school. The school is looking much cleaner now 😀

GMGY Thinking Time 

We have been enjoying taking part in our philosophy circles for GMGY this month. We have also been having great discussions using the Spot and Stripe videos which can be found on the Philosophy Man website. 


Engineers Week 2024

In 1st Class we had great fun during Engineers Week. We learned all about the different types of engineers there are and read the book "Rosie Revere Engineer". We became engineers ourselves creating Frisbees out of K*nex, our frisbees had to fly 5m and we had great fun testing them out. We also took part in some engineering challenges which we linked to measuring in maths.