Canvas for Beginners

Canvas Overview for Observers

In this video, you will learn about the Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation links, and about basic course navigation to view assignment details and grades.

Parent Pointers: Understanding Your Child’s Canvas Account

In this video, Shara Johnson, a Canvas expert, educator, and parent, will guide you through the most important Canvas features for parents to understand from a student perspective. She’ll review these features alongside a simple framework we created to ease student stress and improve communication processes called the Fundamental Five—this will come in handy as you continue to help your child turn in assignments, keep track of due dates, etc.

Monitoring Your Child’s Learning using Canvas LMS | Canvas | Instructure

Canvas guru, Shara Johnson, guides you through setting up your Observer account and monitoring your child’s progress in the Canvas Parent App. As an Observer, you can easily stay up-to-date on all of your child’s courses and keep in touch with teachers.

Learn more about Canvas LMS: