Super Happy Fun Reading Time

with Ms. Yeung

Red Hill Library

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To be a Special Guest on an episode of SuperHappyFunReadingTime,



4/2/23  ::  S5 Ep3

2/12/23  ::  S5 Ep2

1/23/23  ::  S5 Ep1


5/22/22  ::  S4 SpEp1

5/15/22  ::  S4 Ep6

3/25/22  ::  S4 Ep5

2/2/22  ::  S4 Ep4

1/14/22  ::  S4 Ep3

11/3/21  ::  S4 Ep2

10/13/21  ::  S4 Ep1


5/27/21  ::  S3 Ep15

5/20/21  ::  S3 Ep14

5/13/21  ::  S3 Ep13

5/6/21  ::  S3 Ep12

4/30/21  ::  S3 Ep11

4/22/21  ::  S3 Ep10

4/15/21  ::  S3 Ep9

3/22/21  ::  S3 Ep7

2/21/21  ::  S3 Ep4

2/14/21  ::  S3 Ep3

2/8/21  ::  S3 Ep2

2/1/21  ::  S3 Ep1


12/14/20  ::  S2 Ep16

12/7/20  ::  S2 Ep15

11/30/20  ::  S2 Ep14

11/16/20  ::  S2 Ep13

11/12/20  ::  S2 Ep12

11/2/20  ::  S2 Ep11

10/28/20  ::  S2 Ep10

10/19/20  ::  S2 Ep9

10/12/20  ::  S2 Ep8

10/5/20  ::  S2 Ep7

9/28/20  ::  S2 Ep6

9/21/20  ::  S2 Ep5

9/13/20  ::  S2 Ep4

9/7/20  ::  S2 Ep3

8/29/20  ::  S2 Ep2

8/21/20  ::  S2 Ep1


4/10/20  ::  S1 Ep1

4/17/20  ::  S1 Ep2

4/24/20  ::  S1 Ep3

5/1/20  ::  S1 Ep4

5/13/20  ::  S1 Ep5

5/22/20  ::  S1 Ep6

6/5/20  ::  S1 Ep7

6/12/20  ::  S1 Ep8

6/19/20  ::  S1 Ep9

6/26/20  :: S1 Ep10

Special Episodes

4/22/20  ::  Earth Day Special

5/4/20  ::  May the 4th Be With You Special

5/6/20  ::  Revenge of the Sixth Special

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