WElcome to the 23-24 SChool Year!

New content for you to review:

SAT Is Going Digital!

College Board announced last year that the SAT® Suite of Assessments will be delivered digitally. With the implementation of the digital exams coming up, we wanted to help bring you information and resources.

In November 2021, College Board piloted the digital SAT in the U.S. and internationally; 80% of students responded that they found it to be less stressful and 100% of educators reported having a positive experience.

While the transition to digital will bring a number of student- and educator-friendly changes, many important features of the SAT Suite (SAT, PSAT/NMSQT®, PSAT™ 10, PSAT™ 8/9) will stay the same. The SAT Suite will continue to measure the knowledge and skills that students are learning in high school and that matter most for college and career readiness. The SAT will still be scored on a 1600 scale, and educators and students can continue to track growth across the SAT Suite of Assessments over time. The assessments will continue to be administered in a school or in a test center with a proctor present—not at home. Students will still have access to free practice resources on Khan Academy. And students taking the SAT Suite will continue to connect to scholarships and the College Board National Recognition Programs. (

Student and Family Resources: 

The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview

Digital SAT Sample Questions and Answer Explanations