International Thespian Society

What is ITS?

The STMA International Thespian Society’s mission is to shape lives through theatre education by: honoring student achievement in theatre and enriching their theatre education experience; supporting directors and actors by providing professional development, networking opportunities, resources, and recognition; and influencing the public’s opinion that theatre education is essential and builds life skills.

Students earn points by participating in STMA theatre events. Points are tracked by the ITS Troupe.  Once a student has earned 10 points they will be invited to be inducted into ITS at the annual banquet in May. 

Meet the ITS Governance Board 2023-2024

Tabby Craig


Ann Weigle

Vice President

Amelia Dayton


Maggie Berendes


Meet the STMA State Thespian Officers 2023-2024

Maggie Berendes

2023-2024 STO

Lucas Benker

2023-2024 STO

Point Submission Forms

CLICK HERE to fill out a point submission form for seeing/reading a show.

CLICK HERE to fill out a point submission form for attending a Theater Workshop (in person or online).

CLICK HERE to fill out a point submission form for participating in a theater production outside of STMA

Ways to Earn Points

NEW Point Categories

Current Student Point Standings

2023-2024 ITS Point Totals

ITS Constitution

CLICK HERE to access the STMA ITS Constitution 

Follow us on Social Media 

@stmatheater (or by clicking logos)