School Instruments

The Tuba, Baritone and French Horn are school-owned instruments. These instruments are rented on a yearly basis from the school and they do not need to be purchased by the individual families.

Students that choose tuba or baritone will receive one practice instrument to use at home and a separate instrument to be used at school. Students will not share instruments or mouthpieces with any other students. The current rental fee for school instruments is $30 per year/per instrument.

Students that choose French Horn are guaranteed to receive one instrument. There may be a need to transport the instrument to and from school. If we have enough instruments available, students may rent a second instrument to keep at home for practice. The current rental fee for school instruments is $30 per year/per instrument.

Baritone Tuba French Horn

**Please contact your director if you are in need of financial assistance. The school will provide you with an instrument to play if you are in need of assistance. Financial circumstances should not prevent participation in the arts. We are here to help!