March Badgeness

What is this nonsense?

March Badgeness is a month long professional development to focus on increasing the use of the 4 C's in our district. Kaitlyn thought it would be funny to play on March Madness with the word badge. Most likely no one else finds it funny..

Each week will have one of the 4 C's as it's focus- Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, or Communication. Teachers will have the chance to earn the badge for each week by showing either something they did that week or since Tech Share Day.

What do I get?

An all expense paid... haha! No, we don't have that kind of money! Teachers who earn the badge get a physical badge to hang outside their door and other small, fun prizes. You'll just have to earn them to find out! There will be something special for the teachers that earn all four badges!