Brain research

Don't think like an algorithm!

What is a Thought? How the Brain Creates New Ideas? Dr. Henning Beck is a neuroscientist and explains how the human brain works and how it is different from computers

It's so easy to be surrounded by convenient but non-inspiring opinions. We use media online, T.V., radio, to confirm our beliefs, but never to challenge them. But by doing so, we create echo chambers, filter bubbles around us. In order to spark new ideas, you should do the opposite. Don't think like an algorithm. Try to break the thinking rules instead of following them. Try to challenge your opinions and ideas instead of confirming them.

  • Try to see things from the other side
  • Try to provoke yourself from time to time
  • Read something you disagree with
  • Have a productive argument with a friend

So, what is the next great idea that is worth spreading? We don't know yet. But we can be pretty sure that it will be created by brains. Not because we are smarter, faster, or more intelligent than computers. But the opposite. We are slower, we're irrational, and imperfect. That's why we understand the world instead of analyzing it, and this is giving us the ultimate edge. We should appreciate, and be more proud of this because this is what makes us human