Zaoo In The Land Of The Flowers

TITLE: Zaoo in the land of the flowers.

Deals with the issue of Bullying.

Myriam Esther created the characters of Zaoobooloo and his friends when she was 6. By age 11 she had written and illustrated a dozen stories with those characters.

In 1995 she translated some of those stories from French to English and in 2012, she decided to publish them in the USA.

Myriam Esther Productions is currently making those stories into an animated series for young kids.

Deals with the issue of bullying (Ages 4-8): Zaoo, a ten year old boy, goes on an exciting adventure with his siblings and his friends. Of course, Zaoo’s mom doesn’t know about his unusual little buddies. They each have a way of hiding when they see her. Vroom-Co-Co, the flying carpet, usually stays still near Zaoo’s bed when she comes in his bedroom. As for Terry, his miniature friend, he likes to hide in Zaoo’s pocket. Rainbowa, the little dragonfly with rainbow colored wings, favorite hide out is under Zaoo’s bed. Vroom-Co-Co takes them to the land of the flowers. The flowers are all happy and having fun, except for one flower that is bullied for being different. Along the way, there is a fun little passage about ‘potty training’ of baby flower Pink. Basic color, counting, and problem solving skills are also touched upon. The fun characters illustrated in vibrant colors will enchant your little one.

50 Pages

Product Dimensions: 0.1 x 7.9 x 9.8 inches

ISBN-10: 1491237287

ISBN-13: 978-1491237281

This story can also be found in an animated form in the movies section.

Zaoobooloo In The Land Of The Pumpkins

TITLE: Zaoobooloo In The Land Of The Pumpkins.

Deals with the issue of Racism.

Let yourself fly to the magical world of a ten-year-old boy named Zaoo. Be introduced to his enchanting and extraordinary friends and animals. Meet his wonderful siblings and of course the famous Greedy Witch. Enjoy bright and colorful drawings. Be prepared to laugh along with your little one. Learn a serious topic like racism in a fun way. And when you turn the last page, expect to hear your little munchkin beg for more. So, be ready for a rattling good story in the land of the pumpkins.

54 Pages

Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.1 x 10 inches

ISBN-10: 0990346625

ISBN-13: 978-0990346623