
Zahra Ale-Rasool:

Hi, I’m the Quantum Claw lead writer, and I have been with the team for 2 years. I also competed with my elementary school in FLL, and I look forward to a great year and competition! I hope to grow as a person and team and develop my skills! 

Madhav Anand:

 Hello, I am a coder and I’m in 6th grade. I have 2 years of robotics before this school year.  I am looking forward to seeing how far our team can go. Go Schimelpfenig!

Carter Doyle:

 I’m a promoter, I’m in 7th grade, and I’m 13 years old. I have 4 years of robotics experience in the past, and I know a little bit of Java.  

Gabriel Genin-Faineteau: 

Hello I work as a writer on the team this year. I am twelve years old and I am very determined to win this year's competition! I have been in the first robotics program since I was in third grade and I am anticipated to get ready for competition.

Niv Hammer: 

 Hi, I am one of the builders and this is my first year on the team.  I can’t wait to see how this year turns out.

Cooper Holm: 

Hi, I am a coder for the Quantum Claw robotics team. I am excited because I get to do something with my coding knowledge.

Jasper Khan:

 Hi! I am the Lead Promoter. This is my 6th year in robotics, and I can credit my fascination with modern technology to my years in STEM. 

Bennet Murphy:

 Hello, I’m the club writer for the 12900 Quantum Claw. This year, I’m looking forward to helping the team in more ways than last year. I can’t wait to go from a learner to a club member.

Om Narayanan:

 Hello, I am a learner in Quantum Claw this year. I look forward to helping the team this year.

Ain Rubio:

 Hello, I am a builder and this is my first year in being in a team and doing what I love most, building and designing. I am eager to learn more about robotics and how to work with a team of like-minded people. 

Shruti Paul:

Hi! I am the lead Coder and have been on the team for the past 2 years. I am excited to see where we are going to go with our teamwork, ingenuity, and our gracious professionalism.

Advaith Ramaswamy:

 I am a learner in Quantum Claw robotics, and I am excited to support the team.

Tyler Yeh:

  Hey! I’m in 6th grade and I’m a club builder. I am very excited and happy to be here as a builder in the club.