What is an orthodontic relapse?

When teeth start moving towards their original positions in your mouth following successful orthodontic treatment, we refer to it as an orthodontic relapse. Short-term relapses occur less than one year after treatment has concluded, while long-term relapses happen a year or more after completing treatment.

Orthodontic relapse is fairly common. In fact, some studies estimate that over half of all orthodontic patients will experience some level of relapse within 10 years of completing their treatment.

Myofunctional therapy can improve the likelihood that your teeth will stay in place after your braces are removed, and possibly decrease your total time in orthodontic treatment if you have a tongue-thrust swallowing pattern. The tongue can act as a natural retainer for your upper teeth when it rests in the correct position.

It's best to start OMT before braces are placed, but therapy can also take place during or after orthodontic treatment.

How can orofacial myofunctional therapy help?

In most cases it is best to start myofunctional therapy prior to braces being put on the teeth. However, myofunctional therapy has shown to significantly improve the results of orthodontic treatment at any time, even when braces are on the teeth.