3201 East 15th Street
Casper, WY 82609
At Manor Heights, we … BELIEVE … ACHIEVE … and SUCCEED!
Our Vision: We believe we can work together as a learning community of students, families, and staff to achieve high levels of learning for all students so they will succeed in school and in life.
Manor Heights Elementary, home of the Jaguars, works hard to provide a child-centered education through collaboration and planning among all stakeholders. The school, parents, and community work in partnership to develop each student's academic excellence, social responsibility, and personal integrity. As a staff, we make data-driven decisions, offer differentiated opportunities for students based on this data, monitor the progress of each individual, and work collaboratively to ensure mastery of our state and district standards, as well as the growth of each Jaguar.
Our students learn through a variety of instructional settings, including whole group, small group, and one-to-one assistance throughout the school day. We also offer Jag Time--an enrichment and intervention time-- which provides each student personalized instruction in the areas of mathematics and language arts. Our team of teachers, tutors, and support staff all work together to ensure our Jaguars are getting the support and enrichment they need. Manor Heights Elementary has implemented the positive behavior supports program, and we reward students daily in our Jaguar Jungle as well as each quarter at our “Celebration of Success” assemblies. Students are also able to be recognized for positive behavior through our Positive Office Referral system.
Our parent group, Especially For Children (EFC), provides fun activities for our students throughout the year (Trunk or Treat, Book Fairs, Bingo For Books, Donuts for Grownups, Silent Auction, etc.) along with numerous fundraisers to support our school programs. We take great pride in giving back to the community, and a perfect example of this is our annual participation in the Jackalope Jump, a fundraiser for Special Olympics Wyoming, and our student council’s collaboration with the Wyoming Rescue Mission.
Be sure to check out our new Facebook page!