Available Shows 

The following shows are available for school and community groups that are not part of NCSD. 

For public shows please see the Showing in May tab.

Non NCSD Schools wishing to schedule a show time will need to go to the NCSD Facilities Use page and become a Requester

Adrenaline Universe  Everything in our Universe is affected by gravity.   Humans are no exception.  Earth’s gravity holds us captive on our planet’s surface and makes any attempt to escape very difficult. But gravity can also be fun.  Many of the so called extreme sports would not be so attractive or even possible without the existence of gravitational force. We experience this gravitational excitement through the secretion of a hormone and neurotransmitter called adrenaline. So why not learn about gravity by flying, skiing, base jumping and skydiving?

Run Time:  45 minutes     Recommended for ages 8 and up.

Amazing Astronomers of Antiquity    Ancient astronomers knew the Earth was round, created an accurate star map, and developed a method for predicting eclipses. Sailors navigated by the stars.  Discover how the Pantheon is an astronomical instrument, how Eratosthenes measured the Earth’s circumference, who first said that the Earth orbits the Sun, and who created the Antikythera Mechanism to predict motions of the sun, moon and planets.  The seven most Amazing Astronomers of Antiquity are responsible for most of the astronomy we still use everyday.

Run Time:   20 minutes                  Recommended for ages 8 and up.

Amp’s Amazing Night Flight   Follow Amp the Firefly in his nighttime stargazing adventures.

Run Time:   20 minutes       Recommended for grades K through 2.

Astronaut   Experience a rocket launch from inside the body of an astronaut. Explore the amazing worlds of inner and outer space, from floating around the International Space Station to maneuvering through microscopic regions of the human body. Discover the perils that lurk in space as we subject ‘Chad,’ our test astronaut, to everything that space has to throw at him.

Run Time:   20 minutes      Recommended for ages 8 and up       

Astronaut - Trailer 


Astronomyths   A blend of modern astronomy with ancient Greek mythology. The audience travels through a series of constellations as seen from earth and learns about the respective mythological stories after which they were named.

Run Time:   25 minutes           Recommended for ages 8 and up

Atlas of a Changing Earth

Explore images from space are shedding new light on Earth’s evolution in the wake of rising global temperatures. Atlas takes viewers into the dynamic processes that cause coastal glaciers to melt and explores how rising seas could threaten coastlines around the world. Satellite imagery is being used to map every square meter of the planet, providing a highly detailed view of remote areas of the world like Antarctica and Greenland.

Runtime: 24 minutes Recommended for ages 12 and up

Atlas of a Changing Earth - Trailer 

Back to the Moon for Good   Follow teams around the world competing for the largest incentivized prize in history, by landing a robotic spacecraft on the Moon for the first time in more than 40 years.  To win the Google Lunar XPRIZE, a team must land a robotic spacecraft on the Moon, travel it 500 meters over the lunar surface, and send video, images and data back to Earth. This global competition is designed to spark imagination and inspire a renewed commitment to space exploration, not by governments or countries – by the citizens of the world.

Run Time:  30 minutes          Recommended for ages 7 and up      

Back to the Moon For Good - Trailer 


Big Astronomy explores three observatories. located in extreme environments and remote locations in Chile. Due to its special climate and location, which creates stable, dry air Chile is one of the best places in the world for astronomy. By 2022, 70% of the world's optical and infrared collecting power will be located in Chile. With a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) the film highlights the multitude of careers needed to keep the great observatories working. The show is narrated by Barbara Rojas-Ayala, a Chilean astronomer. 

Run Time:  30 minutes Appropriate for ages 9+

Big Astronomy - Trailer

Black Holes   They lurk in the universe like cosmic dragons.  They can devour entire stars.  And once in their grasp, nothing — not even light — can escape.  This program takes you on a journey through one of the most mystifying, awe-inspiring phenomena in the Universe.  Learn where Black Holes come from, where they are found, and their unique properties.  Narrated by John de Lancie (Q from Star Trek).

Run Time: 40 minutes      Appropriate for grades 7 and up        

Black Holes - Trailer 


CAPCOM Go! The Apollo Story  In less than a decade, America pledged to send humans to the Moon, and succeeded.  This documentary about NASA’s Apollo missions reviews the enormous challenges that had to be overcome in order to take that “great leap for mankind.”  

Run Time:   26 minutes        Recommended for ages 8 and up

Capcom Go!  The Apollo Story - Trailer 

Cosmic Castaways   What happens when galaxies collide?  What becomes of the stars within those galaxies?  In this full-dome program we explore these questions and ponder the fate of our own Sun and solar system when the Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy collide in the distant future.

Run Time:  21 minutes Recommended for ages 8 and up

Cosmic Journey  Tour the cosmos with astrophysicist Dr. Stacy Palen as your guide!  Cosmic Journey tells the story of the universe from a uniquely human perspective. Drift through images from the Hubble Space Telescope and other NASA Great Observatories in a fulldome experience like no other. 

Run Time:  25 minutes Recommended for ages 10 and up

Cosmic Mashups: Gravity, Galaxies and Supermassive Blackholes

 Supermassive black holes are found in most galaxies and we're beginning to uncover how the merging of galaxies activate galactic centers.  This engaging fulldome film was produced by Fiske Planetarium in collaboration with CU Boulder APS Professor, Dr. Julie Comerfoerd and former graduate student Dr. Becky Nevin through support from an NSF award.

Run Time:  20 minutes Recommend for all ages

Cosmic Mashups - Trailer

Cosmology   How did the universe begin, and how is it evolving?  Explore some of the big questions in this original show produced by the Casper Planetarium and narrated by Michael Stevens of Vsauce.

Run Time:   35 minutes          Recommended for ages 12 and up

Cosmic Origins Spectrograph   The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph was the last instrument added to the Hubble Space Telescope in 2009. This program discusses how the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph analyzes visible and invisible light of the cosmos and explores the hidden large-scale structure of the universe to understand the origins of galaxies, stars, and planets.

Run Time:  30 minutes         Recommended for ages 8 and up

Cosmic Origins Spectrograph - Trailer 

Dawn of the Space Age  From the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik, to the magnificent lunar landings and privately operated space flights.  Be immersed and overwhelmed with this most accurate historic reconstruction of Man's first steps into space.  Who were these men and women that took part in these death defying endeavors?  Witness their drive, their passion, and their perseverance to explore, in Dawn of the Space Age".

Run Time:  40 minutes                       Recommended for all ages

Destination Mars:  The New Frontier.

Explore the work being done around the globe to help make the dream of getting humans to Mars a reality. Fly through the International Space Station, where astronauts are already living and working in space, and follow the rockets and vehicles that will take humans beyond the Moon and, one day, all the way to Mars! Travel along as we imagine this remarkable journey.

Run Time:  35 minutes Recommended for grades 4 -12 and adults

Destination Mars - Trailer

Dinosaurs:  A Story of Survival  Like almost all children, Celeste is fascinated with dinosaurs. She is preparing a talk for her class about how they went extinct when Moon, a very wise and magical character, poses a tantalizing question: what if I told you that there are still dinosaurs among us?

Celeste will join Moon in a journey through time. An exciting adventure that will show them the Earth as it was in the very, very distant past.

They will see the fascinating transformations that these animals underwent over millions of years, creating giant creatures, armored beasts and super predators, until the day that a cataclysmic impact event caused a mass extinction on Earth.

But all is not lost. Celeste will discover the key to their survival.  

Run Time:  28 minutes Recommended for all audiences

Distant Worlds - Alien Life?  The night sky is a view of infinity. Does alien life exist out there? Nothing we can ask about the universe is so important for our understanding of the world.

In the show we examine the conditions for a habitable zone starting the journey in our own solar system. Then we imagine a tour to some of the recently discovered exoplanets orbiting other stars in the Milky Way. What might be essential for life on distant moons or planets and how could we detect it?

We get an impression of the importance of telescopes, Mars rovers like “Curiosity” and space probes for these challenging studies.

             Run Time:  52 minutes Recommended for all audiences 

Distant Worlds - Trailer 

Dream to Fly   Discover the mystery of flight with Leonardo da Vinci, the Montgolfier brothers, the Wright brothers and other inventors. Experience the adventure and find out how this immense and challenging dream, for which mankind has striven since the beginning of history, came true.

Run Time:   35 minutes            Recommended for ages 10 and up

Dream to Fly - Trailer 

Earth, Moon and Sun Explore the relationship between the Earth, Moon and Sun with the help of Coyote, an amusing character adapted from Native American oral traditions who has many misconceptions about our home planet and its most familiar neighbors. His confusion about the universe makes viewers think about how the Earth, Moon and Sun work together as a system. Native American stories are used throughout the show to help distinguish between myths and science.

Run Time:   35 minutes    Recommended for ages 7 and up    

Earth, Moon, and Sun - Trailer 


Earth’s Wild Ride   Set on the surface of the Moon in the year 2081, the program opens with a grandfather and his grandchildren gazing out into space.  As they watch the Moon’s shadow move across Earth, the grandfather tells stories of crashing asteroids, erupting volcanoes, roaring dinosaurs, electrifying lightning and booming thunder on Earth. While learning about eclipses, the ice age, and the Earth’s water cycle, the audience is taken on a roller coaster ride through canyons of raging rivers and hot flowing lava.   

Run Time:   20 minutes Recommended for grades 2 - 5


Eclipse:  The Sun Revealed    See how eclipses show us more about the sun than we knew before.  Learn about the historical and cultural views of eclipses, the geometry that gives us lunar, partial, annular, and total solar eclipses, scientific discoveries generated or supported by total solar eclipses, how to safely view an eclipse, and what to expect during a total solar eclipse.

Run Time:   45 minutes  Recommended for ages 6 and up

Eclipse:  The Sun Revealed - Trailer 

Exoplanets   Learn about planets beyond our solar system and techniques astronomers use to find them.  This show was produced by the Casper Planetarium and is a winner of the Associazione dei Planetari Italiani Planetarium Video Competition.

Run Time:  30 minutes               Recommended for ages 12 and up

Exoplanets - Trailer  

Exoplanets:  Worlds of Wonder   Join mankind’s first space probe as it journeys outside our solar system to the many new worlds astronomers are discovering beyond.  Visit gas giants caught in a deadly dance with their host stars, frozen rogue planets hurling through space, molten rocky worlds now known to science and new planets drifting comfortably within the Goldilocks Zone, the area around a star where Earth-like worlds may exist.  Audiences will also learn new insight about our Earth, Moon, Sun and the remarkable Solar System we inhabit.

Run Time:   26 minutes               Recommended for ages 6 and up

Exoplanets:  Worlds of Wonder - Trailer 

Expanded View   The Expanded View program features some of the most beautiful deep space objects, seen through the eyes of the Hubble, Spitzer, and Chandra space telescopes.

Run Time:   20 minutes     Recommended for ages 8 and up        


Explore  Space exploration today relies on discoveries made in centuries past, especially those of Johannes Kepler.  This visually stunning show begins with an easy-to-understand explanation of Kepler’s laws of motion, then shows how those ideas are put to use on a hypothetical mission to Mars.  

Run Time:  27 minutes   Recommended for gages 8 and up

Explore - Trailer 

Flight Adventures   Discover the science of flight through the eyes of a young girl and her grandfather as they explore how birds, kites, planes and models fly.  Learn about the history and future plans of flight and how NASA is discovering new and safer ways to travel with the help of future engineers and aviators – like YOU!

Run Time:  20 minutes        Recommended for ages 8 and up

Flight Adventures - Trailer 

Forward to the Moon  Kari Byron from Crash Test World and MythBusters launches us on a journey beyond the Earth towards a sustainable future in space. 

NASA’s 21st century Artemis program, named after the Greek moon Goddess and twin of Apollo, is the next step in our mission to explore the universe and land the first woman and person of color on the surface of the Moon.

      Run Time:  30 minutes   Recommended for ages 12+

Forward to the Moon - Trailer 

Four Paths of the Sun     This short program about illustrates why Earth has seasons, how the sun’s altitude in the sky changes over the course of a year, and how the angle of the sun causes changes in weather.  Produced by the Casper Planetarium.

Run Time:   15 minutes               Recommended for grades 4 - 8

From Earth to the Universe  The night sky, both beautiful and mysterious, has been the subject of campfire stories, ancient myths and awe for as long as there have been people. A desire to comprehend the Universe may well be humanity’s oldest shared intellectual experience. Yet only recently have we truly begun to grasp our place in the vast cosmos. To learn about this journey of celestial discovery, from the theories of the ancient Greek astronomers to today’s grandest telescopes, we invite you to experience From Earth to the Universe.                This show is also available in a Spanish language version.

Run Time:  30 minutes      Recommended for ages 8 and up

From Earth to the Universe - Trailer 

Galileo:  The Power of the Telescope   Two eyes and two pieces of glass revolutionized human understanding 400 years ago. The eyes belonged to Galileo Galilei, and the curved pieces of glass were the lenses of his telescope.  Experience Galileo’s early experiments, his advocacy of the idea that the Earth revolves around the sun, and his work with early telescopes.  Learn how his keen observations culminated in The Starry Messenger, an early masterpiece in which Galileo described all his dazzling discoveries.  Narrated by Dava Sobel, author of the award-winning biography Galileo’s Daughter.

Run Time:  30 minutes    Recommended for ages 8 and up

The Girl Who Walked Upside Down     This is the tale of a very special girl. She came to us one spring day after a storm, walking upside down by the rainbow.  Perhaps due to her special way of walking, she has a unique way of looking at things, in particular the sky, and an affection for the Moon and stars. The girl who walked upside down is committed to the fight against light pollution.

Run Time:   33 minutes       Recommended for ages 6 and up    

The Girl Who Walked Upside Down - Trailer 


Gravity Revealed    How many of us have learned that gravity is “the pull of the Earth?”  Get ready to unlearn that and start thinking of gravity as the result of warped space-time!  Starting with how Aristotle got us all off on the wrong foot, through the advances made by Galileo, Newton, and Einstein, this show will make you think about gravity in new ways!

Run Time:   25 minutes     Recommended for ages 8 and up

Gravity Revealed - Trailer

Habitat Earth Living networks connect and support life forms large and small—from colonies of tiny microbes and populations of massive whales to ever-expanding human societies. In the California Academy of Sciences’ latest original planetarium show, Habitat Earth, discover what it means to live in today’s connected world. Through stunning visualizations of the natural world, dive below the ocean’s surface to explore the dynamic relationships found in kelp forest ecosystems, travel beneath the forest floor to see how Earth’s tallest trees rely on tiny fungi to survive, and journey to new heights to witness the intricate intersection between human and ecological networks.

Run Time:  25 minutes Recommended for all ages

Habitat Earth - Trailer

Halloween:  Celestial Origins     From the festival of Samhain celebrated by the ancient Celts to the Christian traditions of All Hallows Eve, there’s a lot of history behind Halloween.  There’s also astronomy, using constructions like Stonehenge to track the seasons.  Learn how legends, science, and tradition combined to create what we know as Halloween.

Run Time:   24 minutes                  Recommended for ages 8 and up

Heart of the Sun   Experience our nearest star, the Sun, from a new perspective: this show takes you inside the Sun, in breathtaking high definition!  New technology captures both the fine surface detail and the vast eruptions of the corona with unprecedented clarity.   From the Neolithic skywatchers of Europe to the solar observatories of Mesoamerica to the dawning of Aristotelian science,  the development of our whole cosmology has been informed by our struggle to understand the Sun.  This living star continues to challenge our imagination today.

Run Time:  35 minutes      Recommended for ages 8 and up

The Hot and Energetic Universe A 360° film describing the achievements of modern astronomy; the variety of modern terrestrial and orbital observatories; the basic principles of electromagnetic radiation and the natural phenomena investigated by high-energy astrophysics.

High-energy astrophysics plays a key role in understanding the Universe and it's hot and violent nature.

The hot gas within clusters of galaxies (the most massive objects in the Universe) is studied with advanced observatories, together with the hot gas accreting around supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies.

High energy radiation also provides important information about our own galaxy, neutron stars, supernova remnants and stars like our Sun. 

Run Time:  29 minutes Recommended for general audiences

The Hot and Energetic Universe - Trailer 

IBEX:  Search for the Edge of the Solar System   Join scientists who are investigating the boundary between our Solar System and the rest of our galaxy in IBEX: Search for the Edge of the Solar System.  Follow the creation of NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) and get an in-depth look at the mission and how IBEX is collecting high-speed atoms to create a map of our Solar System’s boundary.

Run Time:  28 minutes     Recommended for ages 8 and up  

Search for the Edge of the Solar System - Trailer 


Imagine the Moon    The Moon has inspired humanity in many ways:  science, music, art, literature, religion, philosophy and more.   Explore the Moon’s role in human culture and let your own imagination soar beyond the limits of our Earth.

Run Time:  30 minutes      Recommended for ages 8 and up

Imagine the Moon - Trailer 

Legends of the Night Sky:  Orion   Mythology comes to life in a fun-filled, animated adventure.  Accompanied by narrators Aesop the owl and Socrates the mouse, we follow Orion as he grows to manhood, battles mythical beasts, foils the plot of an evil king and wins the heart of Artemis, the beautiful moon-goddess. By the end of the story, we learn how the constellation Orion was placed in the sky, forever turning overhead throughout the seasons.

Run Time:  25 minutes            Recommended for ages 6 and up

 Legends of the Night Sky:  Orion - Trailer        


Legends of the Night Sky:  Perseus and Andromeda   Hear the Greek mythology surrounding several well-known constellations: Perseus, Andromeda, Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Cetus, and more.  Andromeda, a beautiful princess, finds herself in harm’s way as a result of her parents’ foolishness.  Can the demigod, Perseus, save her in time?  Find out in this humorous animated program, which is fun for the whole family!

Run Time:   20 minutes             Recommended for ages 6 and up

Legends of the Night Sky:  Perseus and Andromeda - Trailer 

The Light Before Christmas    After losing their way on a cold, blustery Christmas eve, two children, Katie and Makean, are rescued by their friend the Candleman, an old sage who imparts wisdom, hot chocolate, and stories. Opening a weathered book, he begins reading the classic tale “The Night Before Christmas. ”  Magically, Katie and Makean become characters in the poem where they learn the light of Christmas comes from the giver of all good gifts.

Run Time:   35 minutes            Appropriate for all ages

The Light Before Christmas - Trailer  

The Little Star that Could    Little Star, an average yellow star, searches for planets of his own to protect and warm. Along the way, he meets other stars, learns what makes each star special and discovers that stars combine to form clusters and galaxies. Little Star also learns about planets and our Solar System.

Run Time:  40 minutes.       Recommended for ages 6 and up

           Little Star That Could - Trailer 


Magic Globe - A Story of the Seasons. On vacation at her grandpa's, a little girl Mia, accidentally discovers a mysterious piece of astronomical machinery.  Mia's eccentric uncle, tricks the girls into using the tool's secret powers to change the world's seasons.  She realizes the consequences of what they are going to do, the Edmund doesn't want to let the plan go.

  Run time:  29 minutes Recommend for ages 5 -12

Magic Globe - Trailer 

Mars 1001  Join the international crew of the IRIS 1 on their thousand-day mission to Mars.  This fictional journey reflects the challenges a real crew will face some day.  As entertaining as it is informative, this show is a cross between Hollywood and NASA.  Reporter Miles O'Brien is reporting live from his Space Headquarters TV Studio in New York while events unfold for the crew on their 1001 day long mission. We will witness firsthand their brave attempts to put human footprints on Mars and return safely to Earth. This journey is made possible by the biggest engineering feat ever and loaded with scientific experiments. The explorers will be extending our knowledge of Mars and will be learning whether or not mankind has a future among the stars. Experience the thrill of the grandest mission of exploration ever undertaken!

Run time:  52 minutes Recommend for general audiences

Mars 1001 -Trailer

Mayan Archaeoastronomy: Observers of the Universe  This beautiful show intertwines science and mythology to take the viewer on a poetic journey through how the Mayans viewed and understood the universe throughout their history.   Explore 6 different Mayan archeological sites and their connection to the universe.  The visuals are stunning, giving the viewer the impression of being inside a beautifully stylistic painting.

Run Time:   20 minutes             Recommended for ages 9 and up

Mayan Archaeostronomy - Trailer 

Moon Dreams   Explore the origins of the Moon, how it has affected life on Earth and the possibility of life on other moons in the solar system.

Run Time:  13 minutes      Recommended for grades 3 and up

One World, One Sky:  Big Bird’s Adventure    Follow Sesame Street‘s Big Bird and Elmo as they explore the night sky with Hu Hu Zhu, a Muppet from Zhima Jie, the Chinese co-production of Sesame Street. Together, they take an imaginary trip from Sesame Street to the moon, where they discover how different it is from Earth.  Also available in Spanish and Chinese language versions.

Run Time:   20 minutes                Recommended for ages 2 and up

One World, One Sky - Trailer 


Origins of Life   Explore some of the most profound questions of life science: the origins of life and the human search for life beyond Earth.  Travel from prebiotic chemistry in the Universe, through the formation of stars and solar systems, to the first life on Earth. Origins of Life also covers the great extinctions as well as our search for (primitive) life beyond planet Earth.  Origins of Life is an inspirational journey through time and a celebration of life on Earth and the advances of science.

Run Time:   30 minutes               Recommended for ages 8 and up 

Origins of Life 


Our Violent Planet:  Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis. We live out our lives on our planet's fractured crust, "plates that pull apart, collide, grind past each other and even sink below one another, producing violent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and catastrophic walls of water know as tsunamis.  This a production about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, earth, geology and continental drift.

Run Time:   28 minutes Recommend for all audiences

Our Violent Planet - Trailer

Out There – The Quest for Extrasolar Worlds  For thousands of years, mankind thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Thanks to our curiosity, imagination and urge to explore, we now know that the Sun is just one star among hundreds of billions in the Milky Way. With the world’s most powerful telescopes, we can explore more and more of the Universe. What we have found so far has surpassed expectations. Most stars have planets., and a huge diversity of different worlds is out there, just waiting to be discovered.

Run Time:   30 minutes        Recommended for ages 8 and up

Out There -Trailer

Phantom of the Universe   The exploration of dark matter, from the Big Bang to its anticipated discovery at the Large Hadron Collider.   Journey from the Andromeda Galaxy to the most sensitive dark matter detector on Earth, housed deep underground in a former gold mine, to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.  Learn how scientists around the world are collaborating to track down the constituents of dark matter.

Run Time:  28 minutes        Recommended for ages 10 and up

Phantom of the Universe - Trailer 


Planetary Visions:  A Solar System Adventure   Make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened as we blast off with “Toggle” on an adventurous and interactive tour of the Solar System! Detailed information about the planets, moons and Sun is provided as we fly through the various regions within our Solar neighborhood.

Run Time:   35 minutes                   Recommended for ages 8 to 10

Planetary Visions - Trailer 

Season of Light   traces the history and development of many holiday customs which involve lighting up the winter season — from sparkling Christmas tree lights and candles in windows to the lighting of luminarias in the American Southwest and the traditional ritual of the Hanukkah Menorah.  The show also recounts the historical, religious, and cultural rituals practiced during the winter solstice — Christian,  Jewish, Celtic, Nordic, Roman, Irish, Mexican and Hopi.

Run Time: 35 minutes                Appropriate for ages 8 and up

Season of Light - Trailer 

The Secret of the Cardboard Rocket  Climb aboard a magical cardboard rocket with two young adventurers and experience a breathtaking, up-close look at each of our solar system’s planets with guidance from a wise Astronomy Book.   With “Book,” as their guide, the travelers visit the Sun, the eight planets and Pluto. while “Book” relays interesting facts about each body.  This show features 3D animation and a soundtrack with spectacular effects created at George Lucas’s Skywalker Ranch.

Run Time:   40 minutes     Recommended for ages 6 to 8 

Secret of the Cardboard Rocket - Trailer 


SEEING!   A Photon’s Journey Across Space, Time and Mind   Follow a photon’s creation and journey across the galaxy to a young stargazer’s eye. The viewer follows the photon into the girl’s eye, learning the structures of the eye and their functions, prior to taking a ride on the optic nerve.  Narrated by Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

Run Time:  27 minutes                   Recommended for ages 8 and up

Seeing! - Trailer 

Spirits from the Sky, Thunder on the Land  This sky show, produced in cooperation with Tribal Elders, provides a never-before-seen journey into the culture of the Skidi, a band of the Pawnee Native American Nation. You will explore the rich cultural heritage of the Skidi and see how they came to pattern their lives from observations they made of the Earth and celestial phenomena.  This original production by Chicago’s Adler Planetarium was adapted for full-dome by the Casper Planetarium.

Run Time:   30 minutes  Recommended for ages 8 and up  


Stars: the Powerhouses of the Universe   Every star has a story. Some are as old as time, faint and almost forgotten. Others burn bright and end their lives in powerful explosions. New stars are created every day, born of vast clouds of gas and dust. Through every phase of their existence, stars release the energy that powers the Universe.  Journey to the farthest reaches of our galaxy and experience both the awesome beauty and destructive power of STARS.

Run Time:   30 minutes      Recommended for ages 7 and up

Stars - Trailer 


Summer Skies   Take a detailed tour of the prominent constellations that are visible during the summer months.  You’ll also learn about the evolution of the stars that make up these constellations.

Run Time:  45 minutes            Recommended for ages 8 and up

The Sun, Our Living Star  The Sun is our nearest star and our planet’s powerhouse, the source of the energy that drives our winds, our weather and all life.   Discover the secrets of our star and experience never-before-seen images of the Sun’s violent surface in this visually striking planetarium show about the most important star in our lives.

Run Time:   25 minutes      Recommended for ages 6 and up

The Sun, Our Living Star - Trailer 

Sunstruck   Share the wonder of our own personal star, the Sun.  Learn how the Sun’s incredible energy has supported life on Earth for millennia, but also poses threats to the way of life our 21st century technology has enabled.

Run Time:  30 minutes            Recommended for ages 8 and up   

Sunstruck - Trailer 


This is Our Sky    Join Luna and her friends as they learn about the sky and things we see in it. The show touches briefly on weather, covers the apparent motion of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and goes into detail on seasons and the Earth’s tilt, seasonal constellations, and the phases of the Moon then wraps up with an overview of the planets in our Solar System.

Run Time:   20 minutes     Recommended for grades K - 4

Two Small Pieces of Glass  While attending a local star party, two teenage students learn how the telescope has helped us understand our place in space and how telescopes continue to expand our understanding of the Universe. Their conversation with a local female astronomer enlightens them on the history of the telescope and the discoveries these wonderful tools have made. The students see how telescopes work and how the largest observatories in the world use these instruments to explore the mysteries of the universe.

Run Time:   25 minutes       Recommended for ages 8 and up 

Two Small Pieces of Glass - Trailer 


Unveiling the Invisible Universe. For thousands of years the humans observed the light coming from the night sky with their eyes. In the beginning of the 17th century, the invention of the telescope by Galileo revolutionized our knowledge of the Universe.

Finally, in the 20th century with the advent of rockets, it became possible to go above the earth’s atmosphere and observe X-ray and gamma ray radiation which are the marks of the hot and violent Universe. But it is not only light that can give us information about the cosmos. Neutrinos and cosmic rays also provide vital information.

Finally, the detection by the LIGO experiment of gravitational waves from two merging black holes opened a new window in astrophysics.

This video presents images of the cosmos as revealed by all these different messengers.

Run Time:  28 minutes Recommended for general audiences

Unveiling the Invisible Universe 

Voyage to Distant Worlds   A tour of the planets in our solar system.  Discover facts you never knew about our neighboring worlds.  An original show produced by the Casper Planetarium.

Run Time:   38 minutes                                 Recommended for ages 10 and up

Voyage to Distant Worlds - Trailer 

We Are Aliens!    Are humans alone in the universe, or could we someday be sharing knowledge and experiences with other galactic cultures?  This mix of science and entertainment shows how what we learn about life on Earth informs and refines the way we search for life elsewhere.  Narrated by Rupert Grint.

Run Time:  25 minutes        Recommended for ages 8 and up           

We Are Stars   Join the Time Master on a 13.8 billion year journey!  Explore our explosive origins in the Big Bang, and learn how cosmic chemistry connects life on Earth to the evolution of the universe.   Narrated by Andy Serkis.

Run Time:  26 minutes  Recommended for grades 6 - 12

We are Stars - Trailer 

The Weather This program teaches kids to use their senses to explore, predict, and measure the weather.  Learn about basic cloud types and the weather conditions associated with them, some of the instruments used to study and measure the weather, and the basic features of the water cycle.

Run Time:   18 minutes         Recommended for ages 6 and up  


Wilbear’s Adventure   Follow Wilbear the Teddy Bear’s discovery of flight.  His grandpa uses demonstrations about the nature of flight to build up to the story of the Wright Brothers’ historic first airplane experience.  Grandpa Bear captivates audiences with tales of inventions over time, from kites and gliders to today’s jet planes.

Run Time:   15 minutes      Recommended for ages 4 to 6