Parent & Student Information

Expectations for Students Who Attend CMSP

Students sit on a tree in the "Freaky Forest" located on CMSP's campus.

I enjoy being in nature, no better place than being with your friends in nature.        

         - NCSD student

Students work in a snow pit, conducting research on snow depths.

I can enjoy science a lot more than I expected! 

  - NCSD student 

Packing List

Overnight Programs

Please check out the Packing List for Overnights!

For more information or questions, contact:

Students work on lab sheets at CMSP.

“I learned that you can think you know something, but not actually know it at all.  You can also be that way about people.  You have to have an open mind to really see the beauty of something.”

 -  NCSD Student

CMSP staff work on data collection on campus.

FAQ - Parents

Where is Casper Mountain Science Program located?

CMSP is located on Casper Mountain approximately 30 minutes south of Casper. We rent a lodge that serves as our classrooms and dining hall, and students sleep in yurts located near our lodge at night.  

Who supervises the students?

Students will be supervised by NCSD employees. CMSP full time staff oversees the supervision of our interns and chaperones, who work directly with the students.

How are intern-instructors trained and selected?

A Natrona County School District hiring process selects from a wide pool of applicants. All of our interns are at least 18 and most are recent college graduates. The Casper Mountain Science Program staff trains them on teaching, classroom management, safety, and supervising students. They are chosen for their interest in teaching, passion for outdoor education and experience in working with young people in outdoor settings.

What forms does my child need to fill out?

Approximately 2-3 weeks before an overnight stay, CMSP will deliver registration forms and information packets to your child's teacher. Parents need to fill out both sides of the registration form, which students will then return to their teachers.  CMSP picks up the forms one week before the scheduled stay.

Can I join my child or chaperone while they're at CMSP?

Parents are welcome to join their child. In fact, we sometimes need parents to assist us as a chaperone for our overnight programs.  However, all parent visitors must follow NCSD policy on volunteers and undergo fingerprinting and a background check before coming to CMSP. 

From the NCSD Handbook:  "We welcome and encourage parental involvement in our schools, however, we have a responsibility to maintain a safe environment for our staff and students. Any parent or other community member that wishes to volunteer within our schools must undergo a fingerprint/background check prior to being allowed to volunteer. (Policy and Administrative Regulations 4130). To make an appointment to begin the volunteer sign-up process or for more information please call 253-5200."

What is the weather like?

The temperature on Casper Mountain is generally ten degrees colder than the temperature in Casper and the weather can change very quickly. Students who arrive in a sweatshirt and shorts on a sunny day can find themselves in a snowstorm during any month of the school year. Students must have layers, hats, gloves and hiking shoes. They will walk over steep and rough terrain that requires good shoes or boots in rainy or snowy weather. We do have gear we loan to students if necessary.

Are the programs always overnight?

About a fourth of the programs at CMSP are overnight stays. These involve mostly middle school students whose science teachers have scheduled a two day program. Specific medical and registration forms are required for these.  For day programs, a school bus picks students up from their school at 9:00 AM and drops them off at CMSP. The bus picks them up at 1:15 PM for the return trip back to school. Students attending day programs bring sack lunches.

How is food provided for overnight stays?

Casper Mountain Science Program provides healthy meals while students are staying overnight. 

How does CMSP deal with children with special dietary, educational and/or medical needs?

Be sure to share any concerns about your child’s participation at CMSP with your child’s teacher.  For overnight stays, the student’s teacher will send a medical form home for parents to complete. Please put any dietary concerns on that form and the catering staff will be informed of special dietary requirements. Our staff is understanding of all students' educational needs, and will make accommodations if notified in advance. We follow the NCSD policy for students’ medicines.

Are the yurts used for overnight stays heated?

All yurts are weatherized and heated. Students sleep on bunk beds with mattresses. Students should bring a heavy sleeping bag and a pillow. Bathrooms in the lodge are furnished with flush toilets, sinks and showers with hot water, but students that need the restroom at night use an outhouse located near the yurts.

What happens if my child gets hurt or ill while attending CMSP?

CMSP staff members are trained in first aid and are capable of handling the typical cuts, scrapes or stomachaches children have while on the mountain. Our first line of defense against illness or injury is to focus on prevention by promoting safe behavior and healthy habits to the students who attend CMSP. We make sure students drink plenty of water and eat during meals. If a child becomes too ill to stay at CMSP we will contact parents to make arrangements for them to return home. In the unlikely event that your child gets seriously hurt, staff will call 9-1-1 and will contact parents as soon as possible.

How much does CMSP cost?

There is no cost to parents or students. Casper Mountain Science Program is a service of the Natrona County School District.

What rules apply to electronic devices?

Students may not use electronic devices while visiting our program. However, during overnight stays, students may use their cell phones in the evening to call their parents if desired.

What, exactly, goes on at CMSP?

For the answer to that question, please check out the Program Description on this website as well as our Instagram and Facebook page.