The wellness bag

What is our goal?

We aim to help the homeless population in Los Angeles, specifically women, by providing them will basic hygiene necessities. We plan to distribute these packages through the organization Downtown Women's Center. 

Meet the Team

Jennifer Alcantara 

I helped create our Instagram.

Sage Blaser

I like to ski!

Elissa Arnold

I helped with the budget

Sachi Hiromura

I helped create the budget.

Emma Kenney

Helped with planning and the website.

Smita Sarker

I love Thai food!

Our School and community

 The Girls Academic Leadership Academy is a public all-girls STEM school in Los Angeles. Here, we strive for excellence and leadership, and value involvement in our community. In Los Angeles, homelessness is a prominent issue. It has been present in our community since as far as we can remember, a presence that has almost been normalized. Every person needs shelter and safety. It is a problem that must be addressed, and we aim to help people living on the streets. 

   check out our zine!

Follow us on Instagram!
