I like flowers because it reminds me that in the future we will live in better conditions. I also like flowers because it reminds me of the aunt that died of mine because she had cancer but she was very kind and always loved to help other I really wish that I can be just like her and there is two song that remind me of her they both are Korean songs but if you listen to the English or Spanish lyrics the letter is really nice. By the way these are the two songs that remember me of her they are: (Spring Day from BTS) and the other one is called (Breath from LEE HI).

Spring day reminds me of how even though we think we can get over the death of our loved one but we really can't let go that thought or person who meant a lot to us but I would like you to hear the song so you can understand what message or thought I am trying to let you know and let you think and think a lot about.

Breathe reminds me that every person that died had their last breath and it really touches my heart because we, that we still live can still breath but people who had days hours or even minutes to live that last second of their time they breathed one last time to feel that they wish they could live more months, days, hours, or even minutes to try to be the best person but i would also encourage you to hear this song so you can understand the message I am trying to tell you.