Sonia Cuellar

Gifted & Talented Facilitator


Oversees GT campus compliance 

K-12 GT testing administrator

Parent advocacy including monthly meetings

Maintains accurate records for state auditing

Works closely with Liaisons

M. Veronica Esparza

Gifted & Talented Liaison

Servicing Campuses:

Stonewall Flanders Elementary

Vestal Elementary

Wright Elementary

Harlandale Middle School

Kingsborough Middle School

Leal Middle School

Terrell Wells Middle School

Paola Garcia Torres

Gifted & Talented Liaison

Servicing Campuses:

Adams Elementary

Bellarie Elementary

Collier Elementary

Gilbert Elementary

Gillette Elementary

Schulze Elementary

We do offer GT trainings during your conference, PLC times, and scheduled appointments.

GT Awareness

Learn about the process used in the referral and identification of gifted students. Use strategies to gather information needed for referral. Navigate the online referral forms. 


There are 5 overexcitabilities that have been identified. Take an active role in learning what stimulates your gifted student and contributes to certain physical behaviors. 

CogAT Profiles

What are these CogAT profiles in purple folders? Each gifted student has taken this assessment which measures cognitive development. Learn how to group students using the different attributes of CogAT


Everyone is talking about differentiation but how do you do it? Investigate the 3 different ways to differentiate in your classroom. 

6 Thinking Hats

Edward de Bono developed a tool that will improve your students' thinking skills. The 6 Thinking Hats will assist your students in developing critical thinking skills and explore the topic in depth through multiple viewpoints. 

Depth & Complexity

11 elements represented by icons are used to develop critical thinking skills. This framework is designed so that students can go beyond surface-level learning and understanding to reach higher Bloom's Taxonomy levels. 

PBL Intro

Project/Problem-Based Learning provides students with the opportunity to learn objectives and material through the active "building" of a project or through a developed solution to a problem. 

Boardgames for Enrichment

Board games are not just for fun. If selected with a purpose in mind they can challenge students cognitively. Learn which popular games target core subject areas. 

Genius Hour

Enrich GT students with Genius Hour. Time is allocated for an independent, student-led project. Students will learn how to work autonomously while investigating their passion 

6 Types of Giftedness

Not all Gifted students are the same. What makes them different? Identify the types of Gifted learners in your classroom and learn strategies that will help you understand them and the reasons behind certain behaviors exhibited. 


Align your curriculum so that you create a continuum of G/T services that meet the criteria from the Texas State Plan for G/T education.

New Topics for school year 2024-2025!!!

Using AI for Differentiation

Navigate the tools of AI and game change the art of teaching. You do not have to be a tech guru to create AI resources.


The Brain and its Influence on Behavior

If you love biology and the anatomy of the brain, you will love learning how it functions and ccntrols what your student does in the classroom. Get the answers to "Why did you do that?"

PBL Project Resource

Meet our newest digital resource for differentiation. Learn how to navigate and find what you are looking for to enrich your Gifted learners.

Using UDLs to plan Differentiation

Differentiation does not need to be hard. Learn how to use this tool for effective lesson planning. You will ask "How did I ever plan without this?"

CogAT Profiles

Part 2: Stretch or Support

How do I use these profiles to stretch or support my students learning? Learn strategies to help cognitive development.