Teachers Helping Teachers (THT) Support Provider

The Teachers Helping Teachers Program is always looking for support provider to help support our colleagues. If you have an interest area, please apply using the Google Form application or reach out to Patricia Chiles in Educational Services.

THT Support Provider receive hourly support.

  1. Complete the Google Form application.

  2. Contact your THT PAR Joint Panel Member liaison (see below).

  3. Please let your THT Liaison know what area of interest you would like to share.

  4. If you meet outside of school hours, please fill out a time sheet and contact Patricia Chiles in Educational Services for a budget number.

  5. THT is designed to be for less than four hours of support between colleagues on a specific topic.

  6. Requests for help during the school day must be approved by Patricia Chiles for substitute clearance.

  7. Do not fill out a time sheet for meeting time that occurs during contracted hours.

  8. Please wait for direction from Patricia Chiles.

THT Collaborators