Organization Strategies


How to Write in Your Planners

Here is a video to teach you how, where and what to write in your planner. Thanks Mrs. Knighton for the video!

Google Drive and Labeling Google Files.mp4

Google Drive- Folders and Docs

This is a little video I made to help students organize their Google Drive.

Folders need to be labeled:


Share the folders with your teacher. Example share your math folder with your math teacher, ELA with ELA teacher, etc.

Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc. need to be labeled:

First.Last.Period#-Project Name

Google Classroom- Submitting assignments

Here is a YouTube Video to show you and your parents how to submit an assignment on Google Classroom.

Split screen tutorial video (1).mp4

How to Split Screen

Here is a tutorial video showing how to do a Split Screen. Thanks Stephen!

HOPS Video

This video contains information and step-by-step instructions for creating an organized binder.

HOPS Checklist and Tracker.pdf

HOPS ✔️List

This PDF is a 10 point checklist for students, parents or teachers to use for tracking student binder organization.

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