
14th 1st Day of School

23rd Back-to-School Night

4th Labor Day

11th Picture Day

18th Conferences (Early Out)

19th Conferences (Early Out)

20th Conferences (No School)

21st Conferences (Early Out)

22nd Conferences (Early Out)

16th Make Up Picture Day

23rd APEX Fundraiser Starts

31st Halloween

1st Staff Development Day

2nd Dia de los Muertos Celebration

3rd APEX Fundraiser Ends

9th End of 1st Trimester

10th Veteran's Day (observed)

20th Thanksgiving Break Begins

24th Thanksgiving Break Ends

22nd Winter Recess Begins

9th Students Return

15th MLK Holiday

12th Lincoln's Birthday Holiday

14th Valentine's Day

19th Presidents' Day Holiday

1st End of 2nd Trimester

11th Spring Conferences (Early Out)

12th Spring Conferences (Early Out)

13th Spring Conferences (Early Out)

14th Pi Day

      Spring Conferences (Early Out)

15th Spring Conferences (Early Out)

18th Spring Break Begins

22nd Spring Break Ends

27th Memorial Day

31st Last Day of School