Black History Month

TEACH ROCK LESSON SUGGESTIONS (there are more, but these are some faves):

The Gospel Origins of "Chain of Fools"

Essential Question: How did Aretha Franklin’s foundation in Gospel music influence her recording of “Chain of Fools,” helping to establish a Soul sound and bringing black culture into mainstream America?

Identifying and Resisting Jim Crow through Words and Songs

Essential Question: How have works of music and literature by Black Americans shared an empowering theme of identifying and resisting Jim Crow?

The Ethics of Sampling

Essential Question: What makes a work of art “original,” and how does the use of “sampling” technology in Hip Hop challenge perceptions of “originality”?

Blues, Poetry and the Harlem Renaissance

Essential Question: How does Langston Hughes’ Blues-inspired poetry exemplify the ideals of the Harlem Renaissance? (includes a Harlem Renaissance Gallery Walk)

Using Algebraic Expressions to analyze concert schedules

Essential Question: How can writing and evaluating expressions be used to explain the scope of an artist’s concert schedule? (includes the Beatles and Little Richard)


I live in Music: Model Write

This is a beautiful book by Ntozake Shange with Artwork by Romare Bearden. This is a quick lesson inspiration that can be used in any subject to show mastery of concepts, vocabulary, whatever you like!

The Women of the New Quarters

The first is Maya Angelou! The designs were done by artists commissioned by the US Mint. (History / Art / Current Events/ Careers in Arts)

Incredible Art Department

A collection of lessons and media / suggestions

The Butterfly Teacher

This is a collection of suggestions from a teacher who is a person of color who has curated some resources.