A New Era of Privacy

Privacy Monitoring

We provide regular monitoring of your privacy program.

Data Protection

Our expert privacy team can help implement, perform analysis and optimization of the customer data privacy.

Privacy Monitoring

We provide regular monitoring of your privacy program.


Privacy Solutions & Services

Because companies that handle data of EU citizens are subjected to GDPR even if they are not located in the EU, it is predicted that tens of thousands of DPOs are needed for regulated organizations to achieve GDPR compliance.

Even businesses that are not subject to the GDPR are adopting its requirements as a best practice standard, particularly in highly-regulated sectors such as health and finance.


Our Approach to Privacy

Because companies that handle data of EU citizens are subjected to GDPR even if they are not located in the EU, it is predicted that tens of thousands of DPOs are needed for regulated organizations to achieve GDPR compliance.

Get a DPO

Ideally, a DPO should have excellent management skills and the ability to interface easily with internal staff at all levels as well as outside authorities. The right DPO must be able to ensure internal compliance and alert the authorities of non-compliance while understanding that the company may be subjected to hefty fines for non-compliance.

Competitive Pricing that Benefits your Company

The fines that non-compliance brings are perhaps one of the most-reported aspects of the new regulation. Our unique model lets us provide those services alongside the quality of service for your privacy needs.