MSc Group Project

The best three projects from 2020-2023


Finoptimise is a mobile-first web application, that provides a beginner friendly platform that allows users to experience virtual investing. It also provides a starting point for building a healthy interest in investing. The primary functionality of the application is game leagues, which allows users to create a virtual portfolio and compete against their friends in a risk-free simulated stock trading game.



Power, C., Kneeshaw, D., Kelly, R., Kavanagh, W., Corcoran, J., Byrne, B., Curley, A. , Gordon, D., Kelly, P. (2024) "FinOptimise: A Comprehensive User Experience Methodology for Assessing a Stock Trading Simulation", Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), Valencia, Spain, 4th-6th March, 2024 (forthcoming).


Dark Pattern Detector ("Shopping Tricks Finder") allows the users to detect and highlight six different types of dark patterns on webpages. The tool is accompanied by an educational website, “”, where users can find out more information about the different types of patterns there are, see real-world examples of patterns on web pages, as well as providing educational videos on dark patterns.

DARK PATTERNS_Presentation.pptx
Dark Patterns_FinalReport.pdf


Zeng, L., Sun, Q., Su, Y., Liu, Y., Dowley, A., Donnelly, J., Curley, A., Gordon, D., Kelly, P., O’Sullivan D. (2022) “Digital Self-Defence: A Tool to Detect Dark Patterns that Reduces Stress When Shopping On-line", 1st National Workshop on Mindful Computing, Maynooth University, Ireland, 3rd November, 2022. 


Donnelly, J., Dowley, A., Liu, Y., Su, Y., Sun, Q., Zeng, L., Curley, A., Gordon, D., Kelly, P., O’Sullivan D., Becevel, A. (2022) “Be a Pattern for the World: The Development of a Dark Patterns Detection Tool to Prevent User Loss", EthiComp 2022, Turku, Finland, July 26 -July 28 2022. 


Curley, A., Gordon, D., O’Sullivan, D. (2022) "What's in a Name?: The Use of Instructional Design in Overcoming Terminology Barriers Associated with Dark Patterns", Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2022), 7th-8th March, 2022, Valencia, Spain.

Stavrakakis, I., Curley, O'Sullivan, D., Gordon, D., Tierney, B. (2021) "A Framework of Web-Based Dark Patterns that can be Detected Manually or Automatically", International Journal On Advances in Internet Technology, 14(1-2), ISSN: 1942-2652.

Curley, A., O’Sullivan, D., Gordon, D., Tierney, B., Stavrakakis, I. (2021) "The Design of a Framework for the Detection of Web-Based Dark Patterns", ICDS 2021: The 15th International Conference on Digital Society, Nice, France, 18th - 22nd, July 2021 (online). 


Curley, A., Gordon, D., O'Sullivan, D., Stavrakakis, I., Becevel, A., Gibson, P. (2021) "Adaptable and Reusable Educational ‘Bricks’ for Teaching Computer Science Ethics", EduLearn 2021: The 13th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma de Mallorca, Majorca, 5th - 6th of July, 2021 (online). 

ICEY FAUX 2020-2021

Icey Faux is a fake news detection website that aggregates news, predicts the trust rate, and recommends news accordingly... The website provides a single free platform to read news from various sources, as well as a place that allow them to tailor news based on their personal preference. Icy Faux predicts fake news to raise the awareness of the news articles’ reliability.

Final Presentation Icy Faux.pptx
Final Report Icy Faux.docx.pdf