About Mrs. Stenger...

Hello! I am so excited to be back at College Prep this year! I'm looking forward to the interesting, fun, and challenging experiences this year will certainly bring. This year will be my fourth year as a classroom teacher and my first with 7th grade, although, in the past couple years I've had many other experiences within the world of education. You may remember me as College Prep's old fifth grade science teacher (2019-2021) or as our Independent Study teacher supporting virtually during the 2021/22 school year. Before originally coming to College Prep in 2019, I taught 6th & 8th grade science in El Cajon. 

Before I was a teacher, I studied at UC San Diego, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution. During college, I spent time in the field, traveling all around California studying topics like ant habitats, insect diversity in grasslands, the life of oak trees, and reptile behavior. When I wasn't studying scientific phenomena, I worked as a tutor and a kids' birthday party coordinator.

After finishing at UCSD, I went back to school to study education. This time, farther up the coast at UC Santa Cruz. Here, I earned a Master of Arts in Education and a teaching credential. If I was not teaching, writing, or in class during graduate school, I was probably waitressing at the local diner or hiking around the local forests and beaches.

It is an absolute pleasure for me to teach in San Diego County. It is my home! I was born and raised in El Cajon and now live in the city of San Diego. I spent the past two school years living in Denver, CO and missed San Diego and College Prep the whole time. I did have some great experiences like learning to ski, working in education at the Denver Botanic Garden, and working in research at the Children's Hospital Colorado. Since moving back to San Diego in Spring 2023, I've been learning a ton about wildlife while working as an Educator Guide at the amazing San Diego Zoo. 

Finally, a bit about me personally: of highest priority is the fact that I have two cats named Mimi and Jojo and they are my dearest little beans. Last year, I also got married to my awesome husband, Chris! Outside of the clear interests in science and nature, I love to cook, let my artist side out, get outside, play video games, and read. I can't wait to meet all of my new students this year!

Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions.

Mrs. Stenger 
