Expanding Our Reach & Upping The Game

CSU English Council Plenary Session II

Thursday, October 18 • Bahia Hotel Shell Room

1:30-2:30 Plenary • 2:45 - 4:15 Breakout

Stacey Anderson & Kim Vose (Channel Islands) • Lisa Tremain (Humboldt)

Which campuses have implemented or are designing innovative approaches to upper division critical thinking, close reading, and/or writing competencies?

This may include updates to upper division coursework in major or GE programs, the GWAR, and/or WAC/WID. This might also include how multiliteracies (including digital literacies) are being woven into initiatives to elicit the advanced levels of communication needed for active citizenship and post-baccalaureate or professional success.

Questions & Discussion

  • To what extent do the upper division writing courses on your campus help students become active citizens, and how do they accomplish this?

  • How do the upper division writing classes at your campus help students feel engaged as learners and build on their existing knowledge?

  • What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of your current upper division course offerings?

  • What is working on your campus when it comes to WAC? What's not working? How is WEC different from what you offer?

  • Can you see a model like WEC working on your campus? What might be the benefits and the risks of this model at your site?

  • To what extent does your WAC model inform "double loop" assessment?