Keep Teaching

As we strive to transition traditional, face to face classes to virtual environments, it is important to keep in mind that our goal here is just in time first aid, not long term medical care. There is a whole lot more that goes into creating a dynamic, engaging, well-scaffolded online class than what would be possible in the scenario we are currently facing. Our intention is to support faculty in adapting their courses so as to maintain continuity of instruction and help students complete the semester successfully.

To keep this transition as simple as possible, Teaching & Learning Innovations is promoting two critical tools to support faculty who do not typically teach online or blended:

  • Canvas

  • Zoom

Unless you are already using a specific tool (i.e. VoiceThread), it is recommended that you stick with tools native to Canvas and Zoom.

Many thanks to Megan Eberhardt-Alstot and the TLi team for pooling these resources and supporting us in this process!

This is a timely gif and a shout out to our favorite Friends fan and Analyist Extraordinaire, Carmen.

Peer2Peer Quick Links Resource Table

Peer2Peer Quick Links Resource Table

TLI Resources

Online Learning 101

It is recommend that all students complete this and/or submit their badge if they have completed it in the past. It takes about two hours and students find it extremely helpful.

TLi Knowledge Base

Keep Teaching, Learning and Working

Additional Tools in the Google Suite

MLA Blog: Bringing Your Course Online

Videoconferencing Alternatives: How Low-Bandwidth Teaching Will Save Us All

Accessible Teaching in the Time of COVID-19

Brainstorming: Concerns & Questions; Tips & Resources

Brainstorming Best Practices