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This document provides guidelines for activities sponsored by EdTA and for activities sponsored by chapters and troupes at various venues both on and off school campuses in order to foster a safe, educational and enjoyable environment for all members and participants. Except as noted herein, EdTA may, on their own, adopt policies that are stricter or adopt specific policies provided by sponsoring school districts other than the policies listed in this document. If you have a suggestion for other topics to be included among these guidelines, please submit suggestions, comments or questions to

Hazing is contrary to the principles of the International Thespian Society. Hazing itself or conduct which represents hazing is against the law. Conduct which represents hazing shall under no circumstances be within the duties or obligations of a member of the International Thespian Society or the Educational Theatre Association. The purpose of this Hazing Policy is to provide guidance on what conduct will be considered Hazing and what procedures shall be followed if such conduct occurs.