April 27-30, 2021


At the end of the school day, students remain in their STRIPES classroom until their method of departure is announced. Walkers, bikers and car riders are released first. The, bus riders wait until their bus arrives and is announced to be released. This release process helps us maintain a safe and healthy environment for our students.

If your student typically rides a bus, but you would like them switched to a car rider, walker or biker permanently or for a particular day, please contact our front office at (254) 215-2800. Otherwise, they will remain in their STRIPES classroom until their bus is called.

all of 8th grade:

  • Per BMS school policy, all phones and electronic devices (including earbuds/head phones) should be turned OFF and put AWAY during the school day! Unless a student has permission to have their headphones out for SCHOOL PURPOSES, all electronic devices should be put away or they will be taken up and dropped off at the office.

  • Our BMS School Supply List can be found HERE! Check with your students to ensure they have plenty of supplies to last through June. Though our assignments are digital this year, they still often take notes or use scratch paper for their reference. Thanks!

  • Headphones that work with chrome books (not air pods) are an essential part of the school supply list. Please have your student bring a set of earbuds each day with them to school. AirPods do not reliably work with the chromebooks as we are told bluetooth should be blocked.

8th Grade Inclusion

  • Reminder for At Home Learners: Schoology conferences are Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 2:55-3:45 and Wed. 2:00-3:00.

spanish i

  • - Unit 3 Lesson 2 Quiz

  • - e to ie boot verbs

  • - Direct Object Pronouns


  • Students are working on their persuasive essays this week!

  • Please make sure to consistently check Skyward for grades and missing assignments to cross check with Schoology. This is the LAST Nine Weeks of the school year!

Science & Advanced science

  • We are working on reviewing Organisms and the Environment. This week your student will be learning some 7th grade material that they missed instruction on last year.

US History

  • Civil War Battles, Lincoln's Speeches, and Reconstruction


  • Continuing to learn about slope and y-intercept for linear functions!


  • Our Quadratic Functions unit is in full swing! This is out second to last unit for the year - yay!