For Progress Reports, Report Cards click below:

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Parent Portal Spanish.pdf
23-24 Back To School ·

Here is the Back to School Presentation with all the information for the year. We ask you to please keep in touch so we can assist with any issues. Some things to keep in mind:

>Encourage organization and a quiet study space, free of background distractions  including other activities, people and pets at home. 

>Call the office for absences and appointments as usual and email all 3   teachers with the information before class if possible. (562)-229-7850

>Make sure your child gets enough rest.

>Make sure your child gets a nutritious breakfast, snack, and lunch.

>Communicate with teachers via email, Remind, or Parent Square.

>Monitor social media access.

How much academic support will parents need to provide their children? 

6th grade is considered a middle school grade, so students grow in independence and responsibility and are ready to do so.  Assignments can be daily or take several days in 6th grade should be able to be completed independently with minimal help from parents.  Parents can support by checking with students and looking at their planners daily, establishing a morning routine, providing a quiet homework environment, and making sure breakfast, snacks, and lunch is ready since school starts later and both recess and lunch will also be later. It is also important that parents review assignments in their student's planners and scores in Report Card Gradebook or  Google Classroom with their students to help keep them accountable and on time. 

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Mr. Green--Science & Math

Ms. Santos--Social Studies & Math 

Ms. Trent--English Language Arts (ELA) & Math 

Elliott Office Phone