Grayscale photo of vinyl record by Bates, N. (2020) with webpage title "How to write original essays?"
How To Write OriginL Essay.mp3

In academic writing, Ferguson's (2015) three elements of creativity come with their own set of complications in academic writing: contamination anxiety, patchwriting, and confusing citation style guides.

Contamination Anxiety

Contamination Anxiety.mp3


Patch writing.mp3

Citation Style Guides


Creating scholarly remix

Here is a quick guide to how to write original essays by creating scholarly remix with multiple sources.

Scholarly Remix.mp3

(Deb, 2021)

Resources to learn the APA citation convention

There are many resources available online on APA (and other) citation styles. Here are a few that I use:

For detailed instructions about APA citation format, visit Dr. Stephanie Bell's YouTube playlist. (Bell, 2021)

"We have invented a new technology called multi-touch... and boy have we patented it!" - Steve Jobs

(Ferguson, 2015, 00:05:42-00:05:52)

(Crash Course, 2015)

Learn more about intellectual property, copyright, patents, and trademarks

Oh! And...

Click me to see the references