
Workshop organisers

Alexandra Psarrou

Alexandra is a Reader in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, having served as Head of School from 2002 – 2019. Alexandra’s research background is in machine learning with particular emphasis in neural networks for modelling and recognition of visual behaviour. Alexandra’s work in that period include the pioneering representation and modelling of faces as “temporal face signatures” through statistical and recurrent neural network frameworks. Most recently Alexandra has been involved with the development of computational models for the evaluation of image system performance and the metrification of image quality for automotive applications focusing in the detection of pedestrians using deep networks.

Sophie Triantaphillidou

Sophie is a Professor of Imaging Science in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, and the Director of Computational Vision and Imaging Technology research group. Sophie’s research is interdisciplinary, exploring interrelationships between imaging system performance and visual image quality, applied and computational vision. Her work focuses on the phychophyscial evaluation and metrification of visual image quality. Sophie is particularily interest in the effects of scene content in visual image quality as well as in image signal processes. She has led pioneering research on scene-dependent models of spatial vision and scene-and-process-depended spatial imaging performance measures. She is currently looking at the application of physical models of imaging performance evaluation for the puropose of evaluation and optimization of neural networks, with a focus on automotive applications.

Markos Mentzelopoulos

Markos Mentzelopoulos is a senior academic in the School of Computer Science and Engineering. Markos’ early work was in key frame extraction algorithms. Most recently has been working with VR and AR concepts focusing not only on the development phases but also on user experience testing as well as system evaluation targeting new technologies.

Program Committee

    • Rob Jenkins (NVIDIA, USA)

    • Barbara Villarini (University of Westminster, UK)

    • José García-Rodríguez (University of Alicante, Spain)

    • Enrique Dominguez, (University of Malaga, Spain)

    • Alessandro Rizzi (University of Milan, Italy)

    • Sergio Orts (University of Alicante, Spain)


For any information please sent an email to one of the organisers:

Alexandra Psarrou <>

Sophie Triantaphillidou <>

Markos Mentzelopoulos <>