Mrs. Strause

Please reach out with any questions:

Office Hours: 9am-11am

WT Elementary Clough Pike Elementary Amelia Elementary

~Welcome to our NEW 2020-2021 School Year!~

Although this year will begin differently than normal, I will be in the buildings working alongside teachers helping to keep forward progress for the school year. In hopes that we will be able to have a rotation of Cultural Arts, we are planning lessons for full return, as well as Remote Learning Opportunities for you while at home.

Mrs. Strause Virtual Open House

Virtual Field Day

Mrs. Strause Virtual Field Day

Check out this Virtual Field Day Activity Board!! Simply click on each picture and it will send you to a link for an game to try out! Have fun! Have a great summer, and enjoy the outdoors!

Enjoying the Sunshine!

Every time you see:

a car= 5 jumping jacks

a bird=2 pushups

people walking=10 sec. lunge

a dog=3 situps

a plane=30 second jog in place

~Play for 15-20 minutes if you can!~

Can you complete this challenge?

Same activities, just a little harder!

This one is the toughest!

Can you make this obstacle course at home?

Try it on your sidewalk with chalk!

No Chalk??

Just follow the path on the sheet! How many times can you finish this course?

Have fun!!



<--CLICK HERE to watch video

We have completed class challenges all year, and here are the 5 challenges that you should already know how to do! Set your own goals for time, or try to match the goals I set in the video. Enjoy!

Fitness Stations


By opening the link above, you will see a list of our Fitness Stations (with pictures) to try to challenge yourself or your family members at home! Have fun with it!


Click on "Watch the Episodes" and then choose the length or type of video that you would like.


Click the link, then scroll to where it says, "Let's Go!" and the spinner will begin! Enjoy!

Mrs. Strause Virtual Open House