"So many people feel like they can't be their true selves, uncomfortable in their skin, and taught to hate their bodies and personalities. I was one of those people. My purpose as a person and as an artist is to change this."


My Story

My biggest bully growing up was myself. I hated my body, my personality, and never felt confident in who I was. Because I lacked self-assurance, I let people abuse and suppress me. I was steam-roled in the work place, mistreated by friends and boyfriends, but worst of all, I didn't BELIEVE in myself. Then I found music. I started empowering myself with every song I wrote and every performance I did. I started noticing the amazing things I could do and be as long as I believe in my abilities and my power. I knew that my music had the power to bring this feeling to my listener. I am an artist and my purpose is sharing with YOU how you can be confident, strong, and feel perfect in your imperfections.

The Mission

It's all about empowerment! We talk about our struggles, successes, and shed light on the dark areas of our lives or mental states. But that's not all...

For me as a person, woman, and musician, I feel that our society and social structure is constantly pushing me to prescribe to "typical" female stereotypes; Long flowing hair, pretty makeup, form fitting clothes, and worst of all, acting delicate and "feminine". No, I'm not standing for it. I want to rebrand what femininity means and looks like. I believe that every women, whether she wears mens clothes, doesn't wear makeup or even shaved her head is BEAUTIFUL! I have found that the key to beauty is not about getting validation from someone else, but instead, true beauty that can be seen by ALL, is when YOU feel beautiful, genuine to yourself and comfortable in your own skin!

So let's take back the words "beautiful," "feminine," and "sexy", and lets RE-DEFINE what they mean, look like, and represent.

Do you want to feel free, powerful, and confident?

Enough about me, let's talked about YOU! I want to know your story, your struggles, and how you want to redefine beauty for yourself! Now is the time for the underdogs to rise above and make the changes they want to see!

How can I be apart of this?

Let's start the conversation! I'll see you there!