Library catalog
Why to use library catalog?
Search for more than 26,000 books and 500 electronic books by categories
Search for ERIC - curated (Education Research Information Center) high-quality websites based on lexile levels
Access to my library account (to renew my book deadlines before they are overdue)
EDS and Databases
Why to use library search engine and databases?
UAA subscribes to selected academic databases each year to provide our students with globally recognized knowledge resources and educational tools.
Book Suggestions

Links & Social Media
Our library is a place where students can access a wide range of resources to support their learning and personal development. From fiction and non-fiction books to e-books, online databases, and academic journals, we have everything you need to excel academically and expand your knowledge on a variety of topics.
Our library also serves as a hub for intellectual curiosity, creativity, and collaboration. It's a place where students can work on group projects, engage in peer-to-peer learning, or simply find a quiet spot to study. Our dedicated staff is always available to help students find the resources they need and to provide guidance on research, writing, and citation.
To see New Books - Click here
Monthly themes

St. Patrick's Day

Career Resources
Guide to Using Library: Library Handbooks - under review

Martin Hall, 1st floor