
Coretta Scott marries Martin Luther King, Jr. on June 18 in a ceremony officiated by Martin Luther King, Sr (King Jr.’s father).

The wedding portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott in Marion, Ala., on June 18, 1953. From left: Christine King, A.D. Williams King, Martin Luther King Jr., Naomi King, Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Sr., Edythe Scott Bagley, Bernice Scott, Alberta Williams King, with flower girl Alveda King and Obadiah Scott. Photo courtesy of The Estate of Coretta Scott King
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gets a hug from his wife, Coretta Scott King, outside a Montgomery, Alabama courtroom.Gift of Jeanette & Howard Chapnick, 2003
Dr. Martin Luther King with his wife Correta Scott. (© Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

"I always knew that I was called to do something. I didn't know what, but I finally rationalized after I met Martin - and it took a lot of praying to discover this - that this was probably what God had called me to do: to marry him."

~ Coretta Scott King~

Credit: Unknown
In this 1963 image released by HBO, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., right, receives a kiss from his wife Coretta Scott King as they appear in Alabama with Nipsey Russell, back row left, and Harry Belafonte. The image appears in the documentary "King in the Wilderness." (Ivan Massar/Take Stock/The Image Works/HBO via AP)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, 1962. Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection, Los Angeles Public Library Calisphere https://calisphere.org/item/98e495540fb443b049a06dcf1cacf4e2/

Interview from Coretta Scott King.

"What most did not understand then was that I was not only married to the man I loved, but I was also married to the movement that I loved. "

~ Coretta Scott King ~