
"Wherever there was injustice, war, discrimination against women, gays and the disadvantaged, I did my best to show up and exert moral persuasion."

~ Coretta Scott King ~

Coretta Scott King and her husband lead a black voting rights march from Selma, Alabama. Photograph: William Lovelace/Getty Images

'I am not a symbol, I am an activist'.

Coretta Scott King Speaks! June 19, 1968. Solidarity Day at Resurrection City. Poor People's Campaign.

Coretta Scott King speaks on Juneteenth at Solidarity Day in Washington DC just three months after the assassination of Martin Luther King. Coretta speaks on racism, the war in Vietnam, feminism, poverty and the continuing need for poor people to mobilize in their own interests.
Feminist Campaign
Coretta Scott King in BaltimoreCREDIT 1199 SEIU PHOTO ARCHIVE