What ASB Does

What ASB does…

Plan, promote and run all school activities such as:

Welcome Week: Aug.

Red Ribbon Week: Oct.

Halloween:  Costume contest, pumpkin decorating

Wellness Week Nov: and April

Kindness Week: Jan

Spirit Week: March

Staff Appreciation Week: May

Tournaments: Sept., Jan., March

Holiday Grams: sell and make them Boo pops, Winter Wonder Grams, Valentines Day.

Celebrate student birthdays with card and lollipop

Music on Fridays at lunch (create playlists, sets up and breaks down)

Lawn Game set up and clean up on Fridays

Plan and set up Dances, Movie Night and Yearbook party.

Organize end of the year 8th grade activities:  Knotts

We also are assigned projects to promote leadership.

What we spend our $$ on…

New student orientation 

Web leader shirts

Geo Bee and Spelling Bee registration

Bobcat Brag Parties (popsicles) 

Bday lollipops


Lunch time activities supplies and prizes

Dances food, DJ activities (rock wall)

Movie Night (movie license) 

Yearbook party
